I want to spend a few days discussing the Holy Spirit, specifically regarding the Holy Spirit and his relationship to the miracles we see in the New Testament. Some of the framework that I use for understanding what I read there was partially shaped by some materials I read from Douglas Jacoby; the book that I read however, is no longer available. Brother Jacoby has a newer book on the Holy Spirit and prefers that people read that one. You can also search for “Holy Spirit” on DouglasJacoby.com and come up with a number of articles on the subject. All that to say that I want to give credit where credit is due, but please don’t hold brother Jacoby responsible for anything that I say. Almost 20 years ago, I read a book that he no longer sells, and my ideas have evolved since then.
Anyway, I want to present some of this. I’ve found it helpful. If it’s useful to somebody else, great. If not, great. If you can correct me based on Scripture, as always, I’m more than open to that. I need that. Matter of fact, that’s what we’re here for. So spend some time reviewing any relevant passages and we’ll jump right in tomorrow. Have a great Monday!