Links To Go (October 10, 2016)

Please note… these are links to articles on websites. None of these were written by Tim nor do they necessarily reflect his views

Evangelical Views of the 2016 Election

Jesus or Politics: 7 Tough Questions to Reveal Your Lord

  1. Whoever gets elected, we are not paralyzed with anxiety
  2. We love and pray for those we disagree with
  3. We confess our limits and blind spots
  4. We don’t anoint a candidate or party as God’s candidate or party
  5. The Lord’s moral concerns become our concerns
  6. We spend more time listening to Jesus’ voice than the prevailing voices
  7. You live with a hope that makes no sense to the world!

Why I Stay Silent on Important Issues Online

Instead, I wonder what it would be like for believers to see our online presence as an opportunity to extend grace to one another and offer healing to those who are in pain. This would likely require less reacting and more researching. Before posting our opinions publicly, we might really learn the ins and outs of a particular situation, and allow others time to research events before jumping in with our two cents.

the instagram bible

Beware the Instagram Bible, my daughters – those filtered frames festooned with feathered verses, adorned in all manner of loops and tails, bedecked with blossoms, saturated with sunsets, culled and curated just for you.
Beware lest it become for you your source of daily bread. It is telling a partial truth.

Instead of a trip to jail, officer drives man 100 miles to his family

Ross had an outstanding misdemeanor warrant. But instead of going to jail, he ended up being driven more than 100 miles by Sgt. David Robison, who prayed over him and delivered him to a Detroit coffee shop where Ross’ cousin came to get him, Inside Edition reported.

Police appeal for information about chicken crossing road

Police have issued an appeal for information about why a chicken was seen crossing the road in Dundee.

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