Links To Go (January 20, 2017)

Oh no, look what Trump’s done: He’s appointed someone to Cabinet who ONCE PRAYED

Am I reading that right? Is the newspaper that exposed Watergate really suggesting that the most important detail about a Cabinet appointee is that he “once led a prayer?”
Stop the presses!
I mean, is the political staff of the Post really so out of touch that they think somebody praying is first-sentence material for a breaking news alert?:

That Time I Turned a Routine Traffic Ticket into the Constitutional Trial of the Century

Traffic-camera laws seem like such minor, insignificant intrusions on liberty that few grasp their constitutional significance. But they reflect a profoundly mistaken view of American constitutionalism. One might say that the traffic camera is a sign of our times. Its widespread use and acceptance reveals how far we have drifted from our fundamental commitment to self-government. When our governing officials dismiss due process as mere semantics, when they exercise powers they don’t have and ignore duties they actually bear, and when we let them get away with it, we have ceased to be our own rulers.

Upon The Death Of A Grandson

I know that Nathan is with Jesus in glory for his confidence was not in himself but in his Lord who died for him. Christ had to bear all the horror of our death to bring us eternal life. We may have victory over death in him but we can never accept death as good, normal and acceptable. For when we cease to rage against death we have given up on life itself.

Be Careful Calling Someone a “False Teacher”

But Jesus teaches us to examine the fruit of people’s lives. If someone is full of love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness – but they teach something incorrectly – they are NOT someone you need to go to war against. They are an “Apollos” and need to be treated as such. On the other hand, if someone is a lover of money, constantly quarreling and fighting, or hateful and rude, this is the kind of person who needs to be sharply rebuked, silenced, and avoided.
There are false teachers and there are mistaken teachers; we need to practice discernment to know one from the other.

God Always Seems To Have An Idea

I’m to do what we are all to do when facing challenges that sometimes make us cry. We praise God. We tell Him “thank you”. We do not flinch. What we do is live in certainty that as one door closes others break open. This is the way it will go for me and how it will unfold for you.
God is never out of ideas. I truly believe that He has wonder in mind that no man or woman has dared even inquire about; let alone approach.

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