10 Misconceptions About U.S. Immigration
- Most Immigration is Illegal Immigration
- Most Undocumented Immigrants Snuck Across the Border
- Most Immigrants Come for the Benefits
- Terrorists Will Enter the U.S. Through Its Refugee Program
- Immigrants Commit More Crimes than U.S. Citizens
- Until Now, the U.S. Has Always Been Very Welcoming to Immigrants
- It’s Easy to Legally Immigrate to the U.S.
- Widespread Green Card Marriage Fraud is Occurring
- Immigrants Refuse to Learn English
- Immigrants Take American Jobs
The goal isn’t to win arguments. The goal is to point others to Christ. We can win the argument but still lose. If our passion has moved from serving and obeying God to an obsession with being right and winning, we lose—plain and simple.
Hitting the Reset Button on Church
Make plans to start making disciples this year. Pray that God would bring you to the person or people who He wants in your life, both to disciple you and for you to disciple. I truly believe that if even a fraction of us commit to the work of making disciples, the church will be transformed, and our lives along with it.
Martin Luther King Jr. spent the last year of his life detested by the liberal establishment
King’s slide in popularity coincided with his activism taking a turn from what Americans largely know him for — his campaign for civil rights in the American South — to a much more radical one aimed at the war in Vietnam and poverty.
Trash Collectors in Turkey Use Abandoned Books to Build a Free Library
The collection grew gradually as sanitation workers began saving books they found on their routes, rather then hauling them away with the rest of the city’s trash. The books were set aside for employees and their families to borrow, but eventually news of their collection expanded beyond the sanitation department. Instead of leaving books on the curb, residents started donating their unwanted books directly to the cause. Soon the idea arose of opening a full library for the public to enjoy.
Noah’s Ark Replica Crashes Into Dutch Harbor, Wrecks Several Ships
There’s a replica of Noah’s Ark at this dock in the Netherlands. It’s nearly actual size. Last week, a storm ripped the ark of its moorings and sent it crashing around the harbor, colliding with several other vessels and causing significant damage to a nearby ferry and other boats.
The Starbucks Logo Has A Secret You’ve Never Noticed
Specifically, Lippincott realized that to look human, the Siren couldn’t be symmetrical, despite the fact that symmetry is the well-studied definition of human beauty. She had to be asymmetrical.
Seguin police write hilarious note to get Facebook user out of work
On Monday, the police department warned residents via Facebook to stay off the roads ahead of a freeze that affected travel across central Texas.
“Can y’all write me a note for work?” Justin Garcia commented on the police department’s post.
The cops came through for him.
“Dear Justin’s Boss, the roads are bad and are going to get worse. Much worse,” Deputy Police Chief Bruce Ure wrote. “Please let him stay home, warm and safe and enjoy some Hulu or some cool shows on Netflix. And, he needs a raise. He rocks.”