Since we are right, and they are wrong

We are right, and they are wrong. This is an important concept to grasp, because it affects so many things.

Since we are right, and they are wrong, what we do is inherently right and what they do is inherently wrong. Rather than looking at the actions in and of themselves, we must examine these actions in the light of “us” and “them.”

Since we are right, and they are wrong, we are justified in using mis-truths and half-truths, in abusing the rules of logic and fair play. After all, truth is on our side, even when we are using falsehood.

Since we are right, and they are wrong, we are allowed to take what is theirs for our use. We will use it in a better way, for better purposes.

Since we are right, and they are wrong, they have no business in limiting our freedom to travel and utilize their resources. In the same way, they have no business sharing in what is ours.

Since we are right, and they are wrong, any use of force on our part is warranted. Any use of force on their part is a demonstration of just how evil they are.

Since we are right, and they are wrong, our deaths are heroic sacrifices. Their deaths are just retribution.

Since we are right, and they are wrong, we fight and kill in the name of truth and justice. Their wars are an attack on decency and a crime against humanity.

There are many other points, but the main question that arises out of all of this is: Are you “us” or are you “them”?

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