With the great discussion on the last offering in the Kitchen, I want to continue a bit with the topic. Here are my concerns: as our society moves into postmodernism, evangelism is becoming an embarrassment. Evangelism, to some degree, involves saying, “My way is right, and your way is wrong.” Evangelism needs some absolutism, a conviction that Jesus is the way, the only way to God. Those sorts of concepts don’t fit well with a postmodern mindset that emphasizes tolerance and respect for the views of others.
In the same way, missions have also fallen in disfavor. Aren’t they merely a sign of cultural superiority, of “the ugly American”? With cultural sensitivity, won’t we come to see that the beliefs of other people also have validity? Why do we have to impose our worldview on others? The concept of “spreading Christianity” is extremely offensive in the 21st century.
In such a situation, it’s easier to focus merely on service. Not service as a part of evangelism; that’s been the norm for decades (at least; I’ll only vouch for my adult life, but in reading about great men of the past, I’m convinced that it’s been around much, much longer). What’s typically offered today is no different than what the Red Cross or UNICEF would be doing. That’s a broad generalization, one that I’d love to be wrong about. Maybe my limited experience has led me to a mistaken view of what’s going on.
Still, I’m worried about the future of the church. (Well, the church in my country, anyway; I see a lot more evangelism going on in other countries) We need to bring back the concept of taking good news to the world. I want to spend some time next week talking about what that good news looks like, but for now, I want to emphasize: we’re losing something valuable. We need to wake up and see that, or it could be gone forever. We need to teach our young people about the gospel and what it has to say to a broken world.
As the old saying goes, the church is always one generation away from extinction.