May the true Light that came into this world shine within our hearts and lead us from the darkness to eternal glory. May the Word that became flesh fill our being and make us Yours forever.
May the true Light that came into this world shine within our hearts and lead us from the darkness to eternal glory. May the Word that became flesh fill our being and make us Yours forever.
Holy Father,
Your people wait for You. You are our hope. You are our healing. You are our present and our future.
We wait for You, oh Father.
We wait. By the power of the Spirit and the name of Christ, we wait.
We wait for Your coming. While we wait, may we dedicate ourselves to Your Kingdom here, awaiting the revelation of Your Kingdom in its fulness.
Come, Lord Jesus.
We thank You, o Lord, for Your endless love.
We thank You, o Lord, for Your boundless grace.
We thank You, o Lord, for Your eternal promises.
We thank You, o Lord, for the gift of Your Son.
We thank You, o Lord, for the outpouring of Your Spirit.
We thank You, o Lord, for being our God.
We cry out to you. Have mercy on us, though we are sinners.
Hurricanes. Pandemics. Turmoil. Injustice. Violence. Warfare. Hunger.
We cry out to you. Have mercy on us, though we are sinners.