Category Archives: Humor

Davey and the Greenhouse

It’s Friday, so it’s time for a bit of humor. Instead of tapping the Archer Treasury of Bad Puns, today we’ll access an outside source. Nick Gill offered up a pun of his own choosing, so I’ll share it with you. We’ll call it

Davey and the Greenhouse

Davey lived in his parents’ basement. His skin was a pale white, for he rarely saw the light of day. About his only forays into the real world were trips to the local video store (always at night), to get new installments of his fascination: Japanese animation.

That’s right… Davey was obsessed with anime. When he wasn’t watching it, he was trying to create it himself. Hour after hour, day after day, Davey was consumed with the flashing colors, big-eyed characters and exaggerated speech bubbles.

Davey’s dad was a gardener. He had a greenhouse just outside their back door, where he grew all kinds of plants. His specialty were ferns, which filled almost every corner of the greenhouse. Davey’s mom mainly sat around and worried about her two obsessed men.

One day, Davey discovered that his supply of frozen pizzas had run out, and mom hadn’t dropped off any lunch for him. He would be forced to go out and find his own food. Not being used to walking around in daylight, he got a bit confused and walked into his dad’s greenhouse. Once inside, Davey stared in wonder at the plants around him. He began looking, then touching, then actually tending to the growing plants.

When Davey’s mother returned from the grocery store, she was shocked to find the basement empty. Looking around, she found Davey in the greenhouse, working with the ferns.

“Davey!” she cried “What in the world has gotten into you? Why aren’t you watching your Japanimation?”

“Mom,” Davey explained…

“With fronds like these, who needs anime?”

fern photo by Kennth Eaton

Juanita and the muddy road

Sometimes on Fridays, I’ve been sharing jokes from the Archer treasury of bad puns. I don’t remember hearing this from a family member, but the style is the same. Let’s call it:

Juanita and the muddy road

Juanita was the prettiest girl in town. Head cheerleader. Homecoming queen. Junior Toad Princess of Westover County. Everyone knew that she was the most desirable single girl for miles around.

Angel was the handsomest boy in town. Star quarterback. Voted “Most Likely To Succeed.” Junior Toad Prince of Westover County. Drove a fiery red Corvette that made all the girls sigh. Everyone knew that he was the most desirable single boy for miles around.

Juanita loved Angel. Angel loved Juanita. It seemed to be a match made in heaven… but Juanita’s dad didn’t see it that way. He didn’t think Angel was good enough for his little girl. In fact, he didn’t think anyone was good enough for his little girl.

Edgardo also loved Juanita, but she didn’t know it. Edgardo was a poor, country boy. Hard-working, honest, but hardly anyone that a girl like Juanita would notice. He watched and wished as Juanita and Angel rode around town in the Corvette.

Angel asked Juanita one day if she would marry him. She accepted, but knew that there was no way her father would ever accept Angel. She told Angel to come to her window at midnight on Saturday, and they would run away together.

But Saturday turned out to be a tremendously rainy day. It rained and rained, and the road to Juanita’s house became a muddy mess. Nothing going in, nothing coming out.

Edgardo was walking near that road Saturday evening when Angel drove up in his Corvette. Angel didn’t see Edgardo, of course; he didn’t tend to notice “the little people.”

“Oh, what am I going to do?” Angel cried aloud, speaking only to himself. “I’m supposed to pick Juanita up at midnight so that we can get married. But there’s no way my Corvette can make it through all this mud.”

Edgardo went home, knowing what he would do. He went to the barn and got out the mud tires. He put those tires on his pickup and, at midnight, went racing off to Juanita’s. At first Juanita was dismayed to find it was Edgardo and not Angel, but when she saw the love in his eyes and thought about the gallantry of his bold act, she gave her heart to Edgardo. They left, and never came back, living happily ever after.

Years later, someone asked Edgardo how he had won such a beautiful woman’s heart. He replied,

“Treads rush in where Angel fears to fool.”

Repost: Great Songs of Me and Honest Hymns

Great Songs of MeA few years ago, for a sermon, I came up with a list of hymns for the egotist. Here are some of the ones I thought of:

  • How Great I Art
  • Now I Lift My Name on High
  • I Exalt Me
  • I Need Me Every Hour
  • I Love Me Lord
  • Just As I Want
  • Just a Little Talk With Myself
  • O, To Be Like Me
  • Praise Me! Praise Me!
  • There is None Like Me
  • Let Me Have My Way With Me
  • Have Mine Own Way

This of course plays off of an old list of “honest songs” that has made it around the Internet:

  • A Comfy Mattress Is Our God
  • Above Average is Thy Faithfulness
  • All Hail the Influence of Jesus’ Name
  • Amazing Grace, How Interesting the Sound
  • Be Thou My Hobby
  • Blessed Hunch
  • Blest Be the Tie That Doesn’t Cramp My Style
  • Fill My Spoon, Lord
  • Go Tell It on the Speed Bump
  • God of Taste, and God of Stories
  • He’s Quite a Bit to Me
  • I Lay My Inappropriate Behavior on Jesus
  • I Love to Talk About Telling the Story
  • I Surrender Some
  • I’m Fairly Certain That My Redeemer Lives
  • It Is My Secret What God Can Do
  • Joyful, Joyful, We Kinda Like Thee
  • Just As I Pretend to Be
  • Lift Every Voice and Intellectualize
  • My Faith Looks Around for Thee
  • My Hope is Built on Nothing Much
  • O, God, Our Enabler in Ages Past
  • Oh, for a Couple of Tongues to Sing
  • Oh, How I Like Jesus
  • Pillow of Ages, Fluffed for Me
  • Praise God From Whom All Affirmations Flow
  • Self-Esteem to the World! The Lord is Come
  • Sit Up, Sit Up for Jesus
  • Special, Special, Special
  • Spirit of the Living God, Fall Somewhere Near Me
  • Stick Nearby, It’s Getting Dark Outside
  • Sweet Five Minutes of Prayer
  • Take My Life and Let Me Be
  • There Is Scattered Cloudiness in My Soul Today
  • There Shall Be Sprinkles of Blessings
  • We Are Milling Around in the Light of God
  • We Give Thee but Still Think We Own
  • What an Acquaintance We Have in Jesus
  • When Peace, Like a Trickle
  • When the Saints Go Sneaking In
  • Where He Leads Me, I Will Consider Following

Want to add to the list?

Flying Lesson

Sometimes on Fridays, I share a joke from my past. Against my better judgment, I’ve decided that this joke needs to be preserved. It’s not from the Archer family treasury; I heard this one on the radio when I was in college:

Flying Lesson

Uncle Max decided he wanted to learn to fly. He signed up for lessons and made great strides. He had the theoretical part down. He had even flown some when the instructor would hand him the controls in mid-flight.

Now came the day for Uncle Max to learn to take off. He jumped into the plane with his instructor, and they headed down the runway. Picking up speed, the reached the moment of truth. It was time to take off.

That’s when the plane nosed into the ground, tumbling over and over. Both men escaped unscathed, but the instructor had fire in his eyes. “You idiot!” he yelled…

“I said break ground and fly into the wind!”

[OK, now I get to apologize to all of those offended by scatological humor. I won’t do it again. :-) ]

Julia and her amazing berry

Sometimes on Fridays, I’ve been sharing jokes from the Archer treasury of bad puns. I was reminded of this one last week, so I thought I’d share it:

Julia and her amazing berry

Julia Anthony loved to garden. Her vegetables had won prizes every year at the state fair. Her cobblers had won prizes. Her jams had won prizes. But she’d never won a prize for her berries.

This would be the year to change that, for Julia’s garden had produced an amazing strawberry. Her friends began to tell their friends, and people came from miles around just to see Julia’s berry. She knew that when it came time for the fair that she would most certainly win. In fact, she had hopes of entering the National Berry Association’s nationwide competition. (if the NBA could settle its labor problems)

One evening, a large dark sedan pulled up in front of their house. Two men got out of the car, wearing dark suits and sunglasses. Julia was thrilled. She was certain that the National Berry Association had sent field agents to evaluate her strawberry. She called to her husband, Mark, to join her for the excitement.

Julia quickly invited the men in and led them out to her strawberry patch. All the while she chatted about how happy she was that her berry was going to get to compete. The men were strangely silent.

Finally, Mark Anthony could stand it no more. He asked them straight out: “So, do you think her berry is good enough to enter the competition?”

That’s when the men showed their true intentions. One of them pulled out a gun and said, “There seems to be some misunderstanding…

…we’ve come to seize her berry, not appraise it!”