Category Archives: links

Links To Go (March 8, 2018)

Gender and Justice

When one makes this discussion out to be a justice issue, they misunderstand and wrongly accuse the other side of something for which they are not guilty. I know many women within Churches of Christ who would not stand in the pulpit and deliver a sermon next Sunday if the elders and their congregation permitted them to do so. Why? It is because they believe the Bible forbids them to do so. They believe God has blessed them and given them marvelous things to do within the body of Christ, but preaching is not one of them. You might disagree with the position these women hold, but they are faithfully dedicated to following God in all that they do, and it is wrong to say they are guilty of an injustice.

How Not to be a Sectarian: Ten (Not So) Easy Practices

  1. Apologize any time you have the opportunity.
  2. Admit past wrongs, even if you’ve already made them right.
  3. Read a book. Better, read three.
  4. Read authors who transcend partisan categorization.
  5. Make a game of arguing a position with which you fundamentally disagree.
  6. Make friends of people who are not like you.
  7. Practice saying: “Hmm. You know, I see it differently.”
  8. Practice saying: “Hmm. Tell me more about that.” Then say nothing else, unless the person asks you what you think.
  9. Realize that we all use language and social practices and intellectual constructs a-critically.
  10. Celebrate the too rare instances of non-partisan partisans.

When the Church Splits: Hope After the Loss

But mostly, I’ve learned I can trust God through anything. There’s nothing so broken that he can’t restore it. Not even my own heart, which is prone to anxiety, distrust, and bitterness. He alone can restore our hearts to faith and joy as we glorify him together, one little congregation in his worldwide church.

Three Types of Evangelistic Contexts: Contact, Context, and Friendship

These three types of contexts for evangelism are easily accessible, and incredibly fun. I say fun because few things are more enjoyable than being in partnership with the God of the universe and sensing in your life that he is loving others to himself through you!

8 Ways to Welcome People with Disabilities into Your Church

  1. Get to Know Them
  2. Be Creative
  3. Earn Parents’ Trust
  4. Offer Inclusive Youth Events
  5. Teach Your Children to Befriend Kids That Are Different from Them
  6. Provide Meals
  7. Look for Ways to Allow People with Disabilities to Serve
  8. Talk to people with disabilities

Why Are Church Leaders Always Talking About Change?

  1. No One Needs Help to Stay the Same
  2. I’m Not Perfect Yet – And Neither Is the Church
  3. Learning Requires Changing
  4. The Gospel Is About Change
  5. Not Changing Is Not Healthy
  6. Jesus Never Changes, But I’m Not Him
  7. If I’m Asking Others to Change, I Need to Model It

Legacy of Jesus Thoughts…

You are documenting hope for future generations when you write down your Jesus thoughts and life experiences and scriptures that are dear to your heart. I have already had one of our boys ask about wanting to have his grandmother’s bible someday. I pray that there will be a day that our children will treasure the bible I read from because it will have drawings and words written down that meant something to me and that helped me live the life God called me to.

Has dopamine got us hooked on tech?

In an unprecedented attack of candour, Sean Parker, the 38-year-old founding president of Facebook, recently admitted that the social network was founded not to unite us, but to distract us. “The thought process was: ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?’” he said at an event in Philadelphia in November. To achieve this goal, Facebook’s architects exploited a “vulnerability in human psychology”, explained Parker, who resigned from the company in 2005. Whenever someone likes or comments on a post or photograph, he said, “we… give you a little dopamine hit”. Facebook is an empire of empires, then, built upon a molecule.

The Story Behind Billy Graham’s Prison-Built Casket

Richard Liggett, a convicted murderer, led a team of prisoners at the Louisiana State Penitentiary that built caskets for both Graham and his wife, Ruth, who died in June 2007 at age 87.
Liggett meticulously built coffins for many fellow prisoners before dying of cancer in March 2007, nearly 31 years into his sentence. Liggett would tell then-Warden Burl Cain that of everything that ever happened in his life, the most profound thing was to build the coffins for Billy and Ruth Graham. Franklin Graham purchased the coffins after seeing them during a visit to the prison in 2005.
The plain wood coffins are made of plywood and were lined with mattress pads made from Walmart comforters covered by fabric. They are adorned with brass handles and a cross on top and are said to cost $215. According to the former warden of Angola, the Graham family also asked that all of the inmates who worked on the coffins’ construction have their names burned into the wood.

Lost Art Of Bending Over: How Other Cultures Spare Their Spines

I first noticed this mysterious bending style in 2014 while covering the Ebola outbreak. We were driving on a back road in the rain forest of Liberia and every now and then, we would pass women working in their gardens. The women had striking silhouettes: They were bent over with their backs nearly straight. But they weren’t squatting with a vertical back. Instead, their backs were parallel to the ground. They looked like tables.
After returning home, I started seeing this “table” bending in photos all around the world — an older woman planting rice in Madagascar, a Mayan woman bending over at a market in Guatemala and women farming grass in northern India. This bending seemed to be common in many places, except in Western societies.

Links To Go (February 28, 2018)

A Call to Worship in the Face of Fear

But I know and believe, without a shadow of a doubt, that we love the children deeply and will do anything for them. So I challenge us all today to be the spiritual leaders they need. To encourage them to love God and love their neighbors. To rise above the drama and darkness that plagues us on social media platforms and in our communities. To turn off the news and open our Bibles. To return to God and commit our children to him. To encourage them to join youth groups and to get back into a church group ourselves.

Church planting is not the ultimate goal

As your church grows, those moving into your town or city consider joining your church too. But much of it seems to be large amounts of transfer growth and limited growth by conversion. At some point, we’ve got to ask some hard questions. Some of those questions need to include, why is our growth not coming by conversion? Why, by the same token, are we pouring our resources into churches that appear to largely cater for Christian transfer growth?

The Top 8 Reasons Most Churches Never Break The 200 Attendance Mark

  1. Small Churches Are Structured To Stay Small
  2. The Pastor Does Everything
  3. The Pastor Is The Primary Caregiver
  4. You Don’t Have The Right People
  5. Too Many Doers, Not Enough Leaders
  6. The Team Is Not Aligned
  7. Micro-Management
  8. The Leaders Make Too Many Excuses

The town that’s found a potent cure for illness – community

What this provisional data appears to show is that when isolated people who have health problems are supported by community groups and volunteers, the number of emergency admissions to hospital falls spectacularly. While across the whole of Somerset emergency hospital admissions rose by 29% during the three years of the study, in Frome they fell by 17%. Julian Abel, a consultant physician in palliative care and lead author of the draft paper, remarks: “No other interventions on record have reduced emergency admissions across a population.”

Supreme Court Ruling Means Immigrants Could Continue To Be Detained Indefinitely

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that immigrants, even those with permanent legal status and asylum seekers, do not have the right to periodic bond hearings.
It’s a profound loss for those immigrants appealing what are sometimes indefinite detentions by the government. Many are held for long periods of time — on average, 13 months — after being picked up for things as minor as joyriding. Some are held even longer.

Speaking in a Foreign Language Can Impact Your Moral Judgment

Ethical integrity means practicing consistent values from one situation to the next—at least, that’s what you might strive for if you’re someone who prides yourself on having a strong moral compass. But a new study suggests that being consistent with our morals is even more complicated than you may think it is. As Quartz reports, personal morality can be influenced by something as seemingly arbitrary as the language you’re using.

Links To Go (February 23, 2018)

Billy Graham, the Last Nonpartisan Evangelical?

When he was asked in 2007 why he never affiliated with Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority, Mr. Graham replied: “I’m all for morality, but morality goes beyond sex to human freedom and social justice. We as clergy know so very little to speak with authority on the Panama Canal or superiority of armaments. Evangelists cannot be closely identified with any particular party or person. We have to stand in the middle in order to preach to all people, right and left. I haven’t been faithful to my own advice in the past. I will be in the future.”

When God wants your kidney

All along, Wilburn had one question: Why did God want her to donate a kidney to a man in his 60s? Wouldn’t it make more sense to bless a younger person, someone with more years ahead of him?

The New View of Heaven Is Too Small

I embrace the main features of this counter-narrative to the rapture account. Redemption restores God’s good creation. Heavenly hope involves a material, embodied restoration. Heaven and earth will come together as Christ’s kingship is recognized by all creation. Moreover, we should embrace “the kingdom work” that calls us, as the revised song states. Yet, I also sense that we impoverish our hope for heaven when we turn it into an expression of our current activist emphasis upon “kingdom work.”

Ministers and the Lust for Applause

Consequently, when there is no applause or affirmation of one’s sermon or a particular project, this can be devastating. You might think that something is wrong with you. You might even think that you are lacking or inferior in some way. Silence might be interpreted as rejection or failure to a preacher.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will remove “nation of immigrants” from mission statement

The lead U.S. agency tasked with granting citizenship to would-be Americans is making a major change to its mission statement, removing a passage that describes the United States as a nation of immigrants.

US Immigration Doesn’t Check the Validity of Foreign E-Passports

Senators Ron Wyden and Claire McCaskill sent a letter (.pdf) to the acting commission of US Customers and Border Protection today asking that the US government actually start using the “anti-tamper and anti-forgery features in e-Passports, which have gone unused by CBP since their implementation in 2007.”

New Mexico restaurant refused to serve homeless man when woman tried to buy him food

She offered to buy Adams lunch at Bamboo Garden. She says she was shocked at the manager’s reaction. “I walked in behind him and I said ‘I would like to pay for his meal and a drink.’ She said, ‘No I can’t do that,’” she explained.

Please Donate to My Summer Missions Trip to Wakanda!

It will cost $89,000 for me to travel to Wakanda. That’s not an easy sum to pull together. Through my own grassroots efforts (car washes, iced tea stands, craigslist adventures) I’ve pulled together $113 on my own. Still a long way to go!

Links To Go (February 20, 2018)

Facial Recognition Systems Are Even More Biased Than We Thought

A new project called Gender Shades creates a new benchmark data set that takes both biological sex and race into account to measure three commercial face classification AI algorithms from IBM, Microsoft, and the Chinese startup Face++ (whose facial recognition technology is used by Alibaba). These types of algorithms are widely used to read faces on security cameras, during immigration, in criminal justice, and even in products like glasses for visually impaired people.
The resulting study shows that all of these real-world algorithms have significantly lower accuracy when evaluating dark female faces than any other type of face. It’s troubling proof that the AI already at work in our daily lives is deeply biased–and that we need to demand greater diversity in the people who build these algorithms and more transparency about how they work.

The sudden death of the website

I am going to make a bold prediction based on my work with 18,000 companies and bringing conversational commerce to life: In 2018, we will see the first major brand shut down its website. The brand will shift how it connects with consumers — to conversations, with a combination of bots and humans, through a messaging front end like SMS or Facebook. We are already working with several large brands to make this a reality.
When the first website ends, the dominoes will fall fast. This will have a positive impact on most companies in transforming how they conduct e-commerce and provide customer care. For Google, however, this will be devastating.

Confessing Sin in the Midst of Suffering

I was tempted to ignore my sin, to justify it as if I only needed to confess sin when things were going well for me. But complaining doesn’t start or stop being a sin based on how justified I feel in my complaint. In the midst of very deep suffering, I found that acknowledging my sin didn’t create a new weight for me to carry on top of all my other burdens. Instead, it actually LIFTED some of the burden. And that is the profound beauty of the gospel of Christ.

5 Habits to Improve Your Online Security Without Software

  1. Be skeptical
  2. Is it too good to be true?
  3. Go to the source
  4. Question “urgent” decisions
  5. Confirm the other party’s identity

To Improve Your Storytelling Skills, Use Abraham Lincoln as Inspiration

The speech, of course, is Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. But although you know it well, what you might not realize about “four scores and seven years ago . . .” is that Lincoln’s oration followed one of the most effective story structures you can use–the structure that storytelling expert Shawn Callahan calls “the clarity story.”

The 25 best icebreaker questions for team-building at work

Given this, at Know Your Company, we put a lot of thought (over four years worth of research and fine-tuning!) into crafting get-to-know-you questions that would be as non-cheesy as possible, and elicit meaningful and memorable responses from the team. I get emails all the time from CEOs who’ll tell me, “Wow, Claire, I had no idea this question would get such a reaction from our team.”
Among the hundreds of get-to-know-you questions our software has, I wanted to share with you the top twenty-five…

Woman climbs into x-ray machine because she didn’t want to leave her bag

This is the moment a passenger climbed into an x-ray machine because she did not trust train security staff with her handbag. An unbelievable photograph shows the women on all fours on a conveyor belt as she follows her bag as it passes through the security scanner.

How the Biblical Canon Was Formed

Links to Go (February 13, 2018)

People Aren’t Yes-Or-No Answers

But more and more, I’m realizing that people aren’t yes-or-no questions. Behind every yes-or-no question is almost always a series of deeper questions, struggles, fears, and challenges.
When someone asks me whether abortion is wrong, there’s usually much more lying beneath the surface. The question is simply the tip of the iceberg.
If I quickly (and sometimes dismissively) answer their question without asking further questions, I’m missing the opportunity to both be like Christ AND answer their real questions.

Untwisting Scripture: “Be still and know that I am God” edition

The real good news of this psalm is that God is bent on bringing peace and justice to God’s creation, and all the people that dwell in it. In times of distress–wars, rumors of wars, genocide, political corruption, and unjust rulers–we shouldn’t be complacent or complicit with evil. But we can and should trust that God will not let those forces win. They will not harm and destroy forever. That’s the promise we should take refuge in.

He Made a Robot… then Married It

But it does raise some questions for Christians to think about.
If someone creates something, is it whatever he wants it to be?
Can you actually marry a robot? They had a ceremony and everything, so who decides what a marriage is anyway?
Does he love her/it? Does that make the difference?
What makes a robot a her anyway? Can she choose her gender? Or does he? Can it change?
Is it OK because it makes him happy?

Smartphone Detox: How To Power Down In A Wired World

Signs you might be experiencing problematic use, Lembke says, include these:

  • Interacting with the device keeps you up late or otherwise interferes with your sleep.
  • It reduces the time you have to be with friends or family.
  • It interferes with your ability to finish work or homework.
  • It causes you to be rude, even subconsciously. “For instance,” Lembke asks, “are you in the middle of having a conversation with someone and just dropping down and scrolling through your phone?” That’s a bad sign.
  • It’s squelching your creativity. “I think that’s really what people don’t realize with their smartphone usage,” Lembke says. “It can really deprive you of a kind of seamless flow of creative thought that generates from your own brain.”

Steve Jobs’s Advice on the Only 4 Times You Should Say ‘No’ Is Brilliant

  1. Say no to cluttering your mind.
  2. Say no to interruptions.
  3. Say no to time robbers and yes to time locking.
  4. Say no to your own unbelief.

‘The Bible Speaks Clearly’: Beth Moore, Max Lucado & 1,000 Evangelical Leaders Challenge Trump on Immigration

The group is united against the president’s DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program) deadline and is advocating for a more welcoming immigration and refugee policy.
“As Christian leaders, we have a commitment to caring for the vulnerable in our churches while also supporting just, compassionate and welcoming policies toward refugees and other immigrants,” the letter reads.
“The Bible speaks clearly and repeatedly to God’s love and concern for the vulnerable and also challenges us to think beyond our nationality, ethnicity or religion when loving our neighbor,” it continues.

‘Black Panther’ Is A Superhero Story You Haven’t Seen Before — And It’s Thrilling

A key reason for Wonder Woman’s runaway success last summer was that moment she climbed out of that trench, revealed herself to the world, withstood an onslaught of machine-gun fire and proceeded to get Amazonian on some enemy soldiers. Male heroes have been doing something similar for decades, in and out of spandex, but now, women in the audience got the chance to feel the raw and blissfully uncomplicated power of representation and understand what the nerds in their life saw in this silly stuff. Black Panther is filled with similar moments: a pan-African cast getting hero moment after hero moment in a gorgeous Afro-futurist setting where the light is always golden, and the tech is always glowy.

When MAD Magazine Got in Trouble for Printing Counterfeit Money

At that time, these machines were not terribly sophisticated. And as a few enterprising types discovered, they didn’t have the technology to really tell Alfred E. Neuman’s face from George Washington’s. In Las Vegas and Texas, coin unit operators were dismayed to discover that people had been feeding the phony MAD bill into the slots and getting actual money in return.

Description, sketch led to arrest warrant for man accused of Central Market theft

Nguyen was positively identified by a witness as well as investigators and veteran officers who recognized his physical description and alleged motive, police said.
“While the sketch provided by the witness may have appeared amateurish and cartoonish, it, along with the distinctive physical descriptors, jogged the memory of at least one investigator to provide a potential suspect name,” Lancaster police said on the department’s Crime Watch page.