Category Archives: Politics

Global warming: Time to Cool It

360023_90041George Will wrote about global cooling last week. He showed that much of what has been written about climate change over the last 30 or so years has been wrong. It’s an interesting article.

Somehow, climate change became a political issue, with most liberals raising a voice of alarm over the issue and most conservatives claiming that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. My suspicion is that, like most things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

What concerns me, though, is the number of Christians that seem to be making it a religious issue. I’m sure that part of that is the fact that many who are conservative religiously are also conservative politically. The problem is, many non-Christians can’t differentiate the two. Their eyes see a GOP seal on our pulpits and an anti-liberal sign on the door. They also suppose that our views on climate change must have some basis in our theology. Why else would Christians speak so consistently on the issue?

Non-Christians know the track record of Bible believers when it comes to science, and it hasn’t been good (think Galileo and the movement of the earth). If climate change turns out to be reality, then Christians come off looking foolish again. And if not, well, I doubt anyone will be converted because these conservatives ended up being right.

Let’s pick our fights carefully. Some things just aren’t worth it.

David Lipscomb on voting

As election day nears, this might be a good time to hear a voice from the past. David Lipscomb was a well-known editor, educator and minister in the last 18th and early 19th century. Here are some of his thoughts on Christians and the electoral process:

To the claim that a Christian is bound to vote, when he has the privilege, for that which promotes morality, and to fail to vote for the restriction and suppression of evil is to vote for it, we have determined that, to vote or use the civil power is to use force and carnal weapons. Christians cannot use these. To do so is to do evil that good may come. This is specially forbidden to Christians. To do so is to fight God’s battles with the weapons of the evil one. To do so is to distrust God. The effective way for Christians to promote morality in a community, is, to stand aloof from the political strifes and conflicts, and maintain a pure and true faith in God, which is the only basis of true morality, and is as a leaven in society, to keep alive an active sense of right. To go into political strife is to admit the leaven of evil into the church. For the church to remain in the world and yet keep itself free from the spirit of the world, is to keep alive an active leaven of morality in the world. If that leaven loses its leaven, wherewith shall the world be leavened? or if the salt lose its savor wherewith shall the earth be salted or saved? God has told his children to use the spiritual weapons, has warned them against appealing to the sword or force to maintain his kingdom or to promote the honor of God and the good of man. When they do as he directs them, and use his appointments, he is with them to fight their battles for them and to give them the victory. When they turn from his appointments to the human kingdoms and their weapons, they turn from God, reject his help, drive him out of the conflict and fight the battles for man’s deliverance with their own strength and by their own wisdom. Human government is the sum of human wisdom and the aggregation of human strength. God’s kingdom is the consummation of Divine wisdom and in it dwells the power of God.” Quoted from: THE ORIGIN, MISSION, AND DESTINY OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT, AND THE CHRISTIAN’S RELATION TO IT by David Lipscomb

Also consider these words from the preface:

“While I failed to see then as I now see, that religion embraced every duty and every relation of man and moulds every thought, purpose and action of his being, the feeling would creep into my mind that even in political affairs man should do only what God commanded him. Finally the years of sectional strife, war, bloodshed, destruction and desolation swept over our land, and the spectacle was presented, of disciples of the Prince of Peace, with murderous weapons seeking the lives of their fellowmen. Brethren for whom Christ died, children of him who came to heal the broken-hearted, to be a father to the fatherless and a husband to the widow, were found imbruing their hands in the blood of their own brethren in Christ, making their sisters widows and their sisters’ children orphans. It took but little thought to see that this course is abhorrent to the principles of the religion of the Savior, who died that even his enemies might live. He had plainly declared that his children could not fight with carnal weapons even for the establishment of his own Kingdom. Much less could they slay and destroy one another in the contentions and strivings of the kingdoms of this world. It took but little thought to see that Christians cannot fight, cannot slay one another or their fellowmen, at the behest of any earthly ruler, or to establish or maintain any human government. But if he cannot fight himself, can he vote to make another fight? What I lead or influence another to do, I do through that other. The man who votes to put another in a place or position, is in honor, bound to maintain him in that position, and is responsible for all the actions, courses or results that logically and necessarily flow from the occupancy and maintenance of that position. A man who votes to bring about a war, or that votes for that which logically and necessarily brings about war is responsible for that war and for all the necessary and usual attendants and results of that war.” Quoted from: THE ORIGIN, MISSION, AND DESTINY OF CIVIL GOVERNMENT, AND THE CHRISTIAN’S RELATION TO IT by David Lipscomb

Idolatry of religious freedom

Brian Nicklaus mentioned a book to me yesterday, a book called Resident Aliens. Investigating the book, I read a review which mentioned the phrase “the idolatry of religious freedom.” That phrase jumped off the screen at me. I need no explanation of that; I’ve faced it time and again, just didn’t realize what it was.
It comes up in almost every discussion of Christians and politics. “If Christians aren’t involved in politics, we may lose the religious freedoms we have.” “We have to make sure that our children have the same freedoms we do.” (I could point out the fact that the religious right has been more visible and influential politically than ever the last few decades, yet most feel that we’ve made no progress in achieving more religious freedom. But that would distract from the main point.)
Dare we base our decisions about what is best on something that isn’t set out for us in the Bible? Surely the book of Revelation is pertinent here. When writing to an oppressed church, Jesus told them to be faithful. No words about religious tolerance or religious freedom. The Christian’s job is to be faithful.
Religious freedoms are wonderful. I admit it. I view them somewhat like riches; they make life easier, but they are also dangerous. The church that lives in a country that grants freedom tends to grow fat and lazy. The lack of resistance allows the church to grow soft. It also creates confusion between patriotism and holiness. Just as I won’t willingly seek poverty, I won’t willingly seek to lose my religious freedoms. But I can’t see making the preservation of those freedoms a principal goal in my life.
When Jesus talks about being willing to give up everything to follow him, he means everything. Would we be willing to give up our religious freedoms in order to be faithful? If not, then religious freedom has become an idol in our lives.
I can somewhat understand being involved in politics to help end war, to help protect the unborn, to fight for the environment, to work to bring about social justice. I think that’s the wrong way, and I think it’s the least effective way. But at least I can understand it. However, the fight to preserve religious freedom has no biblical base. And it borders on idolatry.
Or is there something I’m missing?

Politicking 2

When Christians participate in politics, do you see them producing the fruits of the Spirit? I don’t, but maybe I’m just seeing the “bad apples.” If it were a godly activity, would it not lead to godly behavior? At least from godly people?
People here in the States are upset because some citizens of other countries may attempt to vote in our elections. Why? Aliens have no business voting. We Christians are aliens on this earth. Shouldn’t we act like it?
These are evolving thoughts for me. That is, I’ve been headed a certain direction in my thinking, but I don’t know that I’ve arrived yet. For now, I feel that I can best express to the world my alien status by doing what aliens are supposed to do during elections. I’m not voting.
I’m interested in hearing how you plan to show the world during this election that you are an alien in this country (or whatever host country you live in).

Alien life

The New Testament repeatedly tells us that we are aliens on this earth, part of the Diaspora, the scattering of God’s people. What does it mean to live like an alien?
And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.” (Hebrews 11:13)
I was an alien in Argentina for 15 years. I know what that was like. It was hard to not to want to fit in, to be just like everyone else. I never fully lost my accent, never fully lost my foreign ways. I never stopped hearing that question, “Where are you from?” There was something about me that told people that I wasn’t like them.
People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own.” (Hebrews 11:14)
I wish my spiritual accent were as strong as my Texan accent. I wish that people could tell from hearing me speak that I’m not satisfied to be here, that I’m looking for a country, a heavenly one. I want to live in such a way that people will say “Where are you from?” I don’t want to fit in, don’t want to just be one of the gang.
When I lived in Argentina, I was a responsible neighbor, obeying laws and paying taxes. I tried to do what was right by those around me (even those guys that would sit on the sidewalk and play music full blast for 48 hours straight). Yet I wasn’t Argentine. I couldn’t hold office. I couldn’t vote. I wasn’t from there.
If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one.” (Hebrews 11:15-16)
Do you suppose that Abraham wore a t-shirt that said “Native of Ur and proud”? Did Ruth flaunt her “Moabite University” in her neighbors’ faces? Would Paul have taught all of his converts of the wonders of Tarsus? Do you think the apostles tried to get elected to the Sanhedrin?
There was a time when God’s people had a physical territory here on earth. They could speak lovingly of Zion, where the temple stood, of lovely Jerusalem, the capital of the Israelite kingdom. This was not mere nationalism, at least when correctly understood. This was about the Promised Land, the covenant land. It was a sign of their relationship with God. It was the center of their worship to God, at least the temple was. It didn’t just happen to be their homeland.
The New Testament compares the Promised Land not to a place in this world, but to the land of rest, our eternal sabbath with God. We don’t put down roots here; we let people know that we long for a better country. We are on our way to a heavenly country.
Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.” (Hebrews 11:16)
The city that God has prepared for us isn’t Washington D.C. It’s not New York. It’s not even Abilene. God has called us to be citizens of heaven, to inhabit the kingdom of heaven. When people live with that awareness and show it to the people around them, God is not ashamed to be called their God.
That’s my kingdom. That’s where my citizenship lies. That’s why I’m not as concerned about this election as many are. Certainly I recognize that what happens with the kingdoms of this world can affect my kingdom. I’m told to pray for the government, not for the welfare of any earthly kingdom, but in order for there to be peace that we may spread the gospel. It’s quite possible that we may face what the Israelites faced in Egypt, when a pharaoh arose “that did not know Joseph.” God’s kingdom prospers under adversity more than it does under peaceful conditions. I don’t pray for persecution, but I recognize that it is part of my discipleship. Politics and politicians will never determine my spiritual well-being.
I want to regain my spiritual accent. I want people to understand that no, I’m not from here. I want to live a life that looks forward to a heavenly country, not backwards to an earthly one. I want to live in such a way that God will not be ashamed to be called my God.