Category Archives: Priesthood

The Priesthood of All Believers

clergyI love 1 Peter 2:9-12. Lots of neat concepts there. One of the ones that has jumped out to many Protestants is Peter’s statement that we are a royal priesthood. The idea of “the priesthood of all believers” has been important in the last few centuries, especially among those who would see no difference between “clergy” and “laity.”

Here’s what’s bugging me. What Peter says in 1 Peter 2 had previously been said to the assembled nation of Israel at Mount Sinai:

“Although the whole earth is mine, you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” (Exodus 19:5–6)

Then, just a few chapters later, God establishes the Aaronic priesthood, the line of priests that began with Aaron and included his descendants.

So this concept of all of us being priests wasn’t new to Christianity. It was basic to Judaism. And… it didn’t preclude some being named priests to the exclusion of others.

How should we look at “priesthood”? Should there be a group of people called to special status (“clergy”) or are we all the same in Christ?

I’m offering questions today, not answers. What are your thoughts?