Category Archives: Torture

How do you feel about torture?


Commenter on CNN blog, talking about waterboarding: If even one American life is saved, it’s worth it.

As Steve Ridgell said to me the other day, if you’re not a Christian, you shouldn’t have any problem with torture. (Unless it’s done by others to your people, of course) That fits with this Pew research report that shows that 23% of Americans view American lives as being more valuable than others.

Rush Limbaugh: It works, is the bottom line.

As Christians, however, how should we react to the use of torture? Does the end justify the means?

Jonah Goldberg, National Review: Debating whether it was worth it still seems open to debate, depending on the facts.

It should be no surprise that worldly people support “whatever it takes.” What I’m curious about is, how do Christians see it? If you have a problem with torture, well, why? If it works and saves lives, why not use torture? Is it morally different than other military acts? I’d really like to hear your thoughts.