If you want to try and impress me, don’t try and impress me. The person who comes to me and tells me how rich they are, how educated they are, what amazing insights they have into a given situation, or any other sort of boasting… that person will have to work hard to gain my respect.
A boss can gain my obedience; he’ll not get my loyalty. The self-proclaimed expert may get my attention; he’ll never capture my imagination. Someone who tells me how rich and powerful they are will only make me see how insecure they are.
Doesn’t that line up with things Jesus said? The first shall be last. The servant will be greatest. “For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.”
Show me that you are a learner. That you are a servant. That you are secure enough in yourself that you don’t have to tell me how wonderful you are. That you’re willing to wait for others to recognize what you have to offer.
Then I’ll be much more likely to respect and admire you.