It’s Time for the Church to Start Taking Gun Violence Seriously
The challenge is this: Are we willing to seriously commit to spending as much time as we do debating about issues like gun violence as we are to actually helping the people affected by it?
For every hour we spend advocating for our side of the issue, are we willing to spend time volunteering with a suicide prevention organization?
To visit people in prison?
To work with our churches to minister to those affected by drugs or gang violence?
Muslims, Jews pray for peace in Gaza, Israel
I took away this lesson from that moment: I have a voice within my own family and my own community. I have defended the Jewish faith and people whenever I have heard a person try to make a disparaging or generalizing remark. I have also argued for the right of Israel to exist without being attacked. And, with some Jewish friends I have tried to share with them the inhumanity of the conditions in the Occupied Territories.
Acts 29 Network Removes Co-Founder Mark Driscoll From Membership
The move comes on the heels of a series of troubling revelations about Driscoll, including a compilation of some years-old online comments he made under the fake name “William Wallace II.” Driscoll has since apologized for the comments, pointing out that he had already directly expressed regret for the Internet postings and his early “angry prophet days” in previous books.
Sunday Schooling Our Kids Out of Church
Another way of saying it: by segregating our kids out of worship, we never assimilated them into the life of the congregation. They had no touch points. They had no experience. They had no connection with the main worship service—its liturgy, its music, its space, its environment, and its adults. It was a foreign place to them. And so…once they finished with the kids/or youth program, they left the church.
So yes, my kids will never face the dreaded choice of: ‘if you choose Jesus over me, you will no longer be allowed in my sight’! But, may I do my best to set my kids free from the choice: ‘if I really follow what I think Jesus is calling me to I will no longer be honouring my father.’
May my kids be able to say confidently: ‘Our dad was not Jesus Christ and he would be proud of us for doing what we believe Jesus to be calling us towards.’ (even if it is something that I never considered before)
May God’s grace enable us to love the past, engage the present and be ready for the future when all of us who embrace the life of Jesus will see our differences overcome in the shadow of his cross
KFC owner gets handwritten apology from patron who took extra piece of chicken
The conscience of the chicken connoisseur kicked in after he or she claimed an extra poultry piece from the buffet at the restaurant.
“I took more on my plate than I could eat and I knew it would get thrown away there because it couldn’t get put back on the buffet, so I put it in my purse and brought it home,” the letter read. “I do love your chicken!”