Links To Go (March 29, 2017)

Crux listens as Africans ask: Why isn’t it big news when terrorists slaughter our people?

It states that, when tragedy or terror strike, 1000 victims in Latvia equals 500 in India, which equals 100 in Mexico, 75 in France, 50 in England, 25 Canada, five in the United States of America (that’s flyover country) or one Hollywood celebrity or a famous person in New York City or Washington, D.C.
In other words, according to the mathematics of news, not all human lives are created equal. It’s a matter of location, location, location.

What is Worse? Removing from Scripture or Adding to Scripture? (Matt 18:11)

I was asked why all modern translations “omit” Matt 18:11. “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost” (KJV). The form of the question betrays the basic problem, that people think modern translations omit verses rather than other translations add verses.

Toward civilization

If war has an opposite, it’s not peace, it’s civilization. (inspired by Ursula LeGuin writing in 1969)
Civilization is the foundation of every successful culture. It permits us to live in safety, without being crippled by fear. It’s the willingness to discuss our differences, not to fight over them. Civilization is efficient, in that it permits every member of society to contribute at her highest level of utility. And it’s at the heart of morality, because civilization is based on fairness.

On Not Having Your Cake, but Eating It

But the real bizarreness (bizzarity?) comes when the abortion lobby get involved. Some of them (though by no means all) say things like “If a woman does not want to have a foetus who is one sex or the other, forcing her [to go through with the pregnancy] is not going to be good for the eventual child*, and it’s not going to be good for [the mother’s] mental health.”
But if we can’t know what gender the child is going to identify as until they’re, say, two or three years old, how can the woman be certain what she is aborting? It may look like a girl, but really be a boy (and Nursie would look like a good liberal, not a daft old woman).
Who would you sue if your IVF doctor, on your instruction, implanted a male embryo, and it turned out to identify as a girl? Pity the mother’s mental health then.

Three Reasons God is a Cessationist

God simply can’t be the Author of what we see today. The gifts that Jesus, Moses, and Elijah had and that were spilled over onto a few of their disciples, were altogether different gifts. God has rarely allowed men to have miraculous abilities, and each time He had specific reasons for allowing it.
Prophecy was infallible, speaking in tongues were actual discernible languages that resulted in the salvation of souls, and miracles were instantaneous and undeniable. God must be grieved with what He sees today, and in no way would He want to be associated with them.

Urgent Church: Nine Changes We Must Make Or Die

  1. We must stop bemoaning the death of cultural Christianity.
  2. We must cease seeing the church as a place of comfort and stability in the midst of rapid change.
  3. We must abandon the entitlement mentality.
  4. We must start doing.
  5. We must stop using biblical words in unbiblical ways.
  6. We must stop focusing on minors.
  7. We must stop shooting our own.
  8. We must stop wasting time in unproductive meetings, committees, and business sessions.
  9. We must become houses of prayer.

12 TED Talks Every Church Leader Should Watch

In no particular order, here are 12 viral Ted Talks we think every church leader should watch.

Spurs set NBA record by beating every team for 3rd straight year

With their victory over the New York Knicks on Saturday night, the Spurs have claimed a victory over every team in the league during the 2016-17 campaign, marking the third consecutive season that they have done just that – an NBA record.

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