Links to Go (May 26, 2017)

There Is No Such Thing as A Literal Translation

The meanings of words is fuzzy and to add complication, no two words in different languages are fuzzy in the same way. Words such as poreuo and go have the same central meaning, but they don’t share the same extended meanings at all. There is no literal translation of poreuo into English. The best we can come up with is an approximation; even using three long phrases as the blog post did, will not capture the full sense of the original.

The Most Marginalized Minority

This mind of Christ will not allow us to hide, but empower us to embrace the most marginalized and frightening minority in our world: the disabled. They are not an optional upgrade to our ministry endeavors. They are vital and precious members of Jesus’s body.

There Is Nothing For You To Do, But You Can Come Eat With Us

And yet, that prospect seems to throw a lot of people. They don’t want relationships, they want a service project. It’s profoundly disorienting to many Christians to be told that they are not needed. We’d much rather serve than be asked to share a table with others. It’s fascinating to watch how new people wanting to help at Freedom will stand around looking for a job to do, something to make them feel useful, when all they need to do is grab a plate and sit down.

Why It’s So Hard to Admit You’re Wrong

When we apologize for being wrong, we have to accept this dissonance, and that is unpleasant. On the other hand, research has shown that it can feel good to stick to our guns. One study, published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, found that people who refused to apologize after a mistake had more self-esteem and felt more in control and powerful than those who did not refuse.

Say one thing at a time

But if you try to say three things, we will hear nothing. Because most of the time, we’re hardly listening.

Five Lies You Shouldn’t Ever Believe

  1. You are not worth very much.
  2. Your past mistakes disqualify you from God ever choosing to work through you.
  3. You just don’t measure up.
  4. It is ok to do what you want as long as no one knows.
  5. Your life will never be significant.

More Than My Hair

So I’m reminding myself these days that I’m more than my hair. In a culture that continues to raise little girls to focus on their appearance, to the point that so many women still believe that’s what’s most important about us, I will remind myself of the truth.

Why American Workers Now Dress So Casually

Another dimension of the way cultural change unfolds: There is always a point when “We don’t do that” slides into “Yeah, we do that.” “Casual Friday” became a palatable, kind-of-fun way to introduce new standards into the office. By 1996, nearly 75 percent of American businesses had a dress-down day—a figure up from 37 percent just four years earlier. Casual Fridays allowed both managers and employees to “collectively select” what constituted casual dress for their specific environment. Still, HR managers struggled to contain casual to just Friday or to provide guidance for an office that was proactively “going casual.” Business casual proved hard to define.

Sweden Has Listed The Entire Country On Airbnb

In Sweden there’s a constitutional right they call allemansrätten. It’s a national concept of “freedom to roam” that allows anyone the right to access, walk, cycle, or camp on any land (the only exceptions being private residences, as well as gardens and lands under cultivation). To get the rest of the world to try it out, they just listed the entire country on Airbnb.

Woman trying to buy birthday card trapped inside CVS

A woman trying to buy a birthday card called police when she was accidentally barricaded inside a CVS store in central Florida.
Lillian Rimmel stopped at a Titusville CVS at 9:50 p.m. Friday to make a quick purchase, unaware the store was about to close. As she walked toward the check out just after 10 p.m., she triggered a motion sensor alarm and found herself barricaded inside. A metal security gate blocked the front entrance as sirens blared.

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