On Fridays I’m sharing some information about Church Inside Out, the book and workbook I’ve written that 21st Century Christian will be publishing in the next few weeks. I wrote the book as part of my work with Hope For Life (Herald of Truth) and will be doing seminars based on this material in local churches around the U.S.
The third section is called “The Church Goes Out” and includes these chapters:
- A Life Like Lightning
- Preparing For Harvest
- A Son of Shalom
- Good News Is For Sharing
This section is probably more of what people think about when they talk about evangelism. However, one point that I try to drive home is that conversion is a process. Evangelism takes many forms. Moving an agnostic toward belief is evangelism, even if the fruits of that work may not be seen for months or years. Focusing exclusively on the person that brings a new convert to the point of surrendering to God is short-sighted.
Christians need to be intentionally moving toward God and helping others do the same. As someone makes the journey from unbeliever to disciple, they are influenced by many people along the way. “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6)
As the title of the last chapter in this section says, good news is for sharing. That’s what we’re to do as Christians. Church Inside Out should give churches and individuals a better idea how to do just that.