I’m going to change my usual modus operandi a bit and state my beliefs near the beginning of this study. I still want to try and present different views as objectively as I can, but I think it might be helpful if I lay out my current understanding.
- I believe in salvation by grace through faith. I admittedly view that differently than some, because I believe that faith is more than intellectual assent. It includes action. Faith that does not express itself in obedience is mere belief, not faith.
- I believe that Jesus’ sacrifice is sufficient to save all men from all times. That sufficiency is never in question. How God applies that sacrifice is a matter of debate. Some would put no limits, arguing that all men will eventually be saved. Others limit it in different ways: to all believers, to believers who do certain things, etc.
- I believe that the New Testament teaches that Christians can “fall away from grace” (as Galatians states it), “believe in vain” (1 Corinthians), “be disqualified” (2 Corinthians), “be cut off” (Romans), “shipwreck their faith,” “lose their crown,” or any of a number of phrases used to describe what happens when a Christian chooses to return to the world.
- I do not believe in “DAISY,” the idea that people can come in and out of the body of Christ on a daily basis. As long as we are walking in the light, Christ’s blood continually cleanses us. As long as we continue to seek that cleansing, God will grant it to us.
- Since some of the doctrines John Calvin taught do influence our beliefs on this issue, I will mention that I do not believe in TULIP. I believe that God has granted unto man free will, especially regarding salvation. I believe that man chooses whether or not to accept God’s salvation. I believe that Jesus died for the whole world, not just a few. And I believe that saints can lose their status as saints.
That should be enough to start with. I think I’ve given just about everyone something to disagree with. Let the protests begin!