Fridays in The Kitchen are often for books and blogs. I want to look at another site maintained by members of the churches of Christ, Forthright Magazine. It’s technically not a blog, but many of the articles are presented in a blog format. You can subscribe to the site by e-mail or by RSS feed, just like a blog. Unlike your typical blog, however, Forthright Magazine has regular articles by numerous authors, some writing weekly, others bi-weekly, others less regularly.
Several of the authors are people that I know on some level. Editor Richard Mansel and I have participated in several preachers’ forums on the Internet; despite his love for the Crimson Tide and mine for the Longhorns, we’ve forged a friendship. Randy Matheny also participates in one of those forums, plus I knew of Randy when we were living in neighboring countries (he in Brazil, me in Argentina). Barry Newton and I went to graduate school together, so we’ve known each other longer than either cares to admit. Paula Harrington is a “blog friend” that I got to meet personally in Tulsa last week. She does amazingly well at overcoming the handicap of having a brother who carries a purse. (Inside joke)
Forthright Magazine produces an amazing amount of information on a variety of spiritual topics, especially considering the fact that it’s all created by volunteers and provided for free. It’s well worth your time to explore the site at