Tag Archives: consumer society

Do you think about where your stuff comes from?

Dhaka_Savar_Building_Collapse_5678Back in April, we were all shocked to hear about the killing of more than 1000 people in the collapse of a garment factory in Bangladesh. Though frankly, with the Boston marathon bombing and the explosion in West, Texas, we were more focused on things closer to home.

I couldn’t help but remember that those people were working in terrible conditions so that I can buy cheap clothing. I don’t spend much time thinking about why so many things are available to me at such low prices. I don’t like to think about who had to work so that I could have an abundance of things to choose when I go to the store.

Do you think about those things? Have you intentionally purchased any sort of “fair trade” products? Do you think Christians should be involved in helping improve the working and living conditions of people in other countries?

What responsibility do we bear for the “production chain” behind the goods we consume?

photo by Jaber Al Nahian