Tag Archives: Cuba

A farewell

p3280209I’ve been privileged to share her photo with thousands of people. Many have seen it in Herald of Truth presentations, in sermons, even on the cover of the book that’s on the right hand side of this page.

Her name is unusual, at least to me. Magalys, I believe it is.

While I was in Cuba, I learned that she passed away a few months ago.

I’m saddened. Yet not really. Her life here could best be described as a nightmare. When I met her in 2008, she was an amputee. Always had a catheter bag in her lap. She lived in abject poverty. A year after having the honor of baptizing her into Christ, I learned that she didn’t own a wheelchair, that she merely borrowed one to come to church.

As she put it, at home, she dragged herself around the house.

It took another year to get the wheelchair to her. I later found out that the one we took was too big for the doors in the tiny house she lived in. She traded it for a smaller one.

In 2011, I asked her exactly what her ailment was, referring to what had taken her leg. I assumed it was diabetes. She thought I was referring to what was really wrong with her.

“I’ve got cancer,” she said, almost cheerfully. “I’ll be going home soon to be with my Father.”

And she did just that, not long ago.

Tony Fernández told me that her family has no photos of her. Ironic, isn’t it, considering how many people here have seen her picture and even have a copy. That’s one last thing I’ll get to do for her… get some pictures to her family.

We only spoke a few times. But she taught me lots. And she’s preached far better sermons with her life than I’ve ever been able to with my words.

2013 Men’s Conference in Cuba

Tony at conferenceLast week I was in Cuba on behalf of Herald of Truth Ministries, along with my coworkers, Steve Ridgell and Larry Sanders. We were mainly there to visit our representative, Tony Fernández, and we also participated in the XIII National Preachers Conference in Matanzas.

It was a good week, with a mixture of visiting some of the dozens of house churches that Tony and his coworkers have planted, worshiping with the Versalles church in Matanzas, leading a midweek service at the Los Mangos congregation and speaking at the conference.baptism

We also got to spend time with Juan Monroy, which is always good. Juan and Tony have worked with Herald of Truth longer than any of the rest of us, Juan for over 40 years and Tony for 18 years. God has used them to lead thousands of people to become Christians. It’s always an honor for me to get to spend time with these instruments of God.

Hope you had a great week. With no Internet access, I fall behind on the memes and rumors of memes; I’ll get back into a blogging rhythm little by little.


A brief, over-simplified history of Latin America: The Spanish-American War

I’ve left out important parts of this story, particularly as regards Central America. We’ll pick up some of that along the way, but I want to keep pressing forward in time. At the end of the 19th century, Spain’s empire had been decimated; among the few remaining holdings, the most important by far was Cuba. Cuba had always been key to Spain’s American colonies and, as such, had received a disproportionate amount of attention and investment from the Spanish Crown. Cuba came to be seen more as a province of Spain than a colony.

When the Monroe Doctrine had prohibited European powers from colonizing in the Americas, Cuba was “grandfathered” as were Puerto Rico and other Spanish holdings. As pressure mounted for the building of some sort of canal that would link the Atlantic with the Pacific, the U.S. become concerned about being able to control the seas.

Naval strategist Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that whoever ruled the seas would rule the world, and he pushed the U.S. to establish strategic bases in the Caribbean and in Hawaii. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Theodore Roosevelt, was a great admirer of Mahan and actively lobbied for the U.S. to expel Spain from the Americas.

At the same time, José Martí, the leader of the Cuban independence movement strengthened ties with the United States, seeking support (and arms) for the coming revolution. Many Americans were sympathetic to Martí’s requests for aid, some wanting the U.S. to annex Cuba, others seeking freedom for the island.

As the unrest turned into open rebellion, Spain responded cruelly. They moved residents of the island into concentration camps, thereby cutting the supply lines of the rebels. People in the United States were outraged. The pressure for U.S. intervention continued to grow. Journalists Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst published story after story documenting the atrocities of the Spaniards and the valor of the Cubans. Some of what they wrote was even true.

Finally a truce was negotiated between Cuba and Spain, and Cuba began functioning as an autonomous state on January 1, 1898. Then on February 15, the U.S.S. Maine exploded in Havana harbor. Studies as to the cause of the explosion have never been conclusive, but the public was convinced that Spain was behind the plot and pressured the administration to take military action.

Congress passed measures recognizing Cuban independence, renouncing all intentions of annexation and authorizing the President to take any military measures necessary to free Cuba from Spain. Spain took offense and declared war on the U.S. on April 23; the U.S. responded in kind on April 25. The war, which lasted four months, was fought in the Pacific and the Caribbean.

The U.S. gained most of Spain’s colonies, including the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. The question arose as what to do about Cuba. Annexation was now out of the question, yet the U.S. had no intention of allowing the island to determine its own course. The answer was the Platt amendment. The Platt amendment restricted Cuba’s ability to establish relations with other nations, to obtain loans from foreign entities and other such matters. It granted the U.S. the right to intervene in Cuban affairs when deemed necessary. It also called for the establishment of a permanent U.S. naval base on the island. (i.e., Guantánamo Bay)

Understandably, the Cubans rejected the Platt Amendment outright. However, Washington soon made it clear that there would be no independence for Cuba if they did not accept the terms being offered. Finally, the Cubans decided that freedom with some restrictions was better than remaining under military rule.

Cuban revolutionary leader Juan Gualberto Gómez stated:

To reserve to the United States the faculty of deciding for themselves when independence is menaced, and when, therefore, they ought to intervene to preserve it, is equivalent to delivering up the key of our house, so that they can enter it at all hours, when the desire takes them, day or night, with intentions good or ill. If it belongs to the United States to determine what Cuban government merits the qualification ‘adequate’… only those Cuban governments will live which count on its support and benevolence.

His words would prove prophetic, not only for Cuba, but for all of Latin America.

Letter from Cuba

Camello, Cuban “camel bus”

One of the great things about my job with Herald of Truth Ministries is the fact that I get to work alongside some amazing men. I got an e-mail this week from my colleague Tony Fernández, who lives in Matanzas Cuba. I don’t think he’ll mind if I share a few excerpts with you:

Two Sundays ago a new congregation began meeting in a town near the city of Guanábana. The first Sunday we had 3. The second we had 5. Tomorrow, Lord willing, we’re having a study with several people, and hopefully we’ll win some new souls for Christ. I’m really happy with this new work. We have been praying for several years that there be a church in this town. God continues to bless. The majority are women. On Saturday, at the time of your radio program, they meet together in the house of one of them who has a handicapped daughter and they invite neighbors to listen to you.

Tony’s congregation has planted over 30 new congregations in the last 6 years. One of the keys is in what he says above: “We have been praying for several years that there be a church in this town.” I haven’t been praying for years for any new churches to be planted. Frankly, I tire of praying for the same thing after a week or two. They pray for the towns in their province one by one, praying that the Lord will raise up a group of Christians in that town. And, as Tony says, “God continues to bless.”

Let me share another part. I told you last month that Tony had wrecked his car and was without transportation. Listen to what he says:

I haven’t stopped going to the missions (church plants) on Sundays. I’ve ridden in police cars, hearses, trucks, ambulances, camellos (see photo above), horse carts, bicycles, motorcycles, tractors and even oxen, no exaggeration. Some people say I’m crazy, others call me a fanatic, but it’s a blessing to be able to humbly do something for him who gave everything for us.

What can I add to that?

Imported conflicts in Cuba

“They came in and wanted us to stop singing during the collection.”

“We were quite happy, everyone providing their own cup for the Lord’s Supper. Then a brother from the States brought us communion trays, without asking. Now we have to find ways to get cups from the States.”

“They questioned why we were using wine in the Lord’s Supper instead of grape juice.”

Just three stories I heard while in Cuba last week. Sad stories, to me. Tony Fernández told of preachers that change what they teach to align themselves with those that give them money. Of divisions being imported from outside the country. Of churches that become dependent on money and supplies from the States for everything they do.

Some of it I even saw firsthand. On the last day of the preacher’s conference, numerous people were invited to say something at the end. They were the typical speeches given at such times, words of thanks and words of encouragement. Then one brother from the States was asked if he would like to say something, and he replied, “Yeah, I’ve got a few things I want to say.” Then he proceeded to lambast the Cubans for two things, one which was a misunderstanding (the gentleman is hard of hearing) and the other a personal preference (he didn’t think people should clap for the speakers at the conference).

I was furious. Fortunately, 95% of the people there immediately rejected what this man had said. I fear, though, for the handful of preachers that receive their support from this man’s hand. I’m guessing they’ll feel pressured to complain about the same things in the future.

When I go to Cuba, I’m a foreigner. More than I am when here in Texas. I’ve spent a lifetime studying the Bible, and I have opinions and insights that I want to share. It’s so hard to not want to try and shape the Cuban church into what I think it should be. I think part of it even comes from the fact that we feel that we have a better chance of effecting change in these smaller, younger churches than we do in the churches where we are members. But we all have to learn to fight that tendency.

It’s hard for me. I’m guessing it’s hard for most people. But we’ve got to let the Cuban people develop their own faith, not just mirror our practices and statements of belief. We’ve got to do that around the world.

Isn’t that what Acts 15 is about? Romans 14? Let’s have enough faith in the power of God’s Word and the sanctifying work of the Spirit to allow people to grow into what God wants them to be, not what we think they should be.

By the way, if you’ve never read Pablo Sanabria’s open letter to American churches from the October 2006 issue of the Christian Chronicle, you should read it. I’ll end with a few quotes from his letter:

Brethren in the United States, please allow the leaders of the Nicaraguan churches to resolve their differences in their own cultural context.
Stop exporting your quarrels. Stop putting conditions on your support based on the acceptance of your personal points of view.
If you cannot stop requiring that local preachers reproduce your doctrinal theories, then consider the possibility of completely dropping the salaries that you send to Nicaragua.
Maybe this will help to reestablish the unity of church leaders that I once knew and participated in. Maybe this will help the church to once again flourish in this part of the world.