Tag Archives: Cuba

The idolatry of religious freedom, revisited

A while back, I wrote about the idolatry of religious freedom. The subtle seduction of this standard is hard to overstate, especially for those of us who grew up in the United States. It only seems logical that this freedom would be one of the most important freedoms that Christians should seek to protect.

Logical, maybe, but hardly biblical. I’m not saying that we should seek to lose this freedom that we enjoy, but like all of our rights, it must never stand in the way of the good of the Kingdom. (See Paul’s discussion about this in 1 Corinthians 9)

I spent last week in Cuba, part of the time in Matanzas, part of the time in Havana. I heard the “party line” straight from the mouth of Communist officials and was reminded of the limits placed on the church there. I also saw a healthy, vibrant church that is growing by leaps and bounds.

I was struck yesterday by the contrast between what goes on in Cuba and what goes on in the United States. I see Christians here in the States spending endless time debating politics, while Christians in Cuba are about the business of spreading the gospel.

The church here is stagnated. The church in Cuba, in a Communist country with limits on their religious freedom, is growing and growing.

Which scenario do you think is more pleasing to God? While we spend our time protecting our economy, our democracy and our religious freedom, we leave the business of God’s Kingdom untended. Of course, it’s not the Kingdom that is worse off for that. It’s us, our children and this country.

3 lessons learned from hurricane relief to Cuba

After discussing concerns I have about the way the relief effort for Haiti has been handled, I wanted to mention some things that I observed after Cuba was hit by 4 hurricanes in 2008:

(1) We need to stay home. Well, maybe not everybody. But if you can’t go and offer a needed skill, you’re a hindrance, not a help. One man I know hurried to get down to Havana soon after the hurricanes went through. It was a time of terrible food shortages on the island. I’m sure that his presence encouraged some, but he was also using up precious resources that were needed by others. We feel a desperate need to do something, yet there are times when our attempts at helping only hurt.

(2) We need to trust the locals. People say, “Well, we need to go and make sure the money is spent right.” Whether we recognize it or not, there is a bit of ethnocentrism in that, a bit of the idea that “those folks just won’t know how to handle things.” One preacher from Panama told me about a building that a church from the States had built. They insisted on using an architect from the U.S., which increased the costs greatly because he wasn’t familiar with local building codes, local materials, nor local labor practices. We need to recognize that in most instances they will know better what they need than we will.

(3) Centralization and cooperation are powerful tools. Due to the nature of Cuban-U.S. relations, people from the States couldn’t go running down there. With the complicated processes involved in getting money to Cuba, it was only natural that the money sent by churches was pooled and overseen by a committee of Cuban church members. Rather than being distributed by agencies competing with one another for funds, the relief items were distributed through one central group.

The situation in Cuba is unique, however the lessons we can learn from what happened there can help us respond to other disasters, especially in the Caribbean.

Cuba, March 2009: Final thoughts

I won’t bore you with the details of our trip home from Cuba. The most exciting moment was when the card reader at the airport parking lot refused to return my American Express card. After waiting 15-20 minutes, I ended up getting 4 days of parking for free.

I wanted to share one more thing from what we experienced in Cuba. Last year, I wrote about a special baptism that we had in Matanzas. A lady who only has one leg came forward to be baptized. joyThe look of joy on her face after her baptism taught me a lot about what really matters in life. I wrote about that on the HopeForLife.org blog, in an article called “The Healing.”

I was thrilled to get to see this lady again. She had that same smile on her face, though she is obviously still in poor health. As we talked, she told me something that broke my heart. She mentioned that the wheelchair she was using was borrowed. She casually said, “I get tired of having to drag myself around the house.” Oh, my!

p3280209Now, I don’t doubt that she mentioned that to me in hopes that I could do something. And I plan to find out if anything can be done. From what she told me, I don’t even know if we can get a wheelchair in Cuba. But what I want to tell you is this: her faith doesn’t depend on her being healed. It doesn’t even depend on her getting a wheelchair. She has the joy of the Lord in her present situation, horrible though it is.

Anybody feel like complaining today?

Cuba, March 2009: Sunday

Tony preachingSunday is always a special day, but Sunday in Cuba consistently stands out from other Sundays. This one was no exception. Tony F. picked us up and took us to the church building in Matanzas. It now really is the church’s building; in January the church was granted the title to this building (it belonged to Tony in the past; since no one can own more than one house, Tony passed this one to the church to preserve his family home. We arrived pretty much right on time, and a crowd of hundreds had already gathered. People we’ve met over the years were joyfully greeting Steve and me and were no less effusive in greeting Bill, whom they had never met.
Because we were on a tourist visa, not a religious one, we weren’t allowed to address the gathering in any way. That was fine with us, because we’ve long wanted to hear Tony preach. He did an excellent job, as we had imagined. baptismMany were present from the mission churches, as Tony calls them, the 19 congregations that the Matanzas church has started since 2006. Most of those churches have problems finding anywhere to baptize, so they take advantage of the moment when they visit the Matanzas church. We lost track of the number of baptisms, knowing that it was at least two dozen and possibly three.
After eating lunch at the building, we headed for Havana. Our plane was scheduled to leave at 5:25, so we didn’t have a lot of time to spare. We made it without incident, Tony said his goodbyes and we headed through immigration. I was questioned rather thoroughly going out this time, as I had been going in. I’m guessing that the computer shows that I have made several visits to Cuba over the last few years.
Our flight to Mexico was uneventful. We had to spend the night in Cancun. I know, you’re thinking, “Wow! Cancun.” Just remember that: (1) We had just spent three days in one of the premier tourist locations in the world; and (2) we went from the airport to a business hotel, then back the next morning. Couldn’t even smell the ocean from where we were.
It’s always strange to spend a night like that in transit. You’re at a bit of a loss, not being at the place you’d traveled to, but certainly not being home. Fortunately, this hotel had a good Internet connection, and since my family is a Macintosh family, we have computers that come with video chat built in. It was nice to at least be able to talk with Carolina that way. Since we had to leave the hotel at 4 the next morning, I didn’t stay up too late. So much for an exciting Cancun night; it looked a lot like the inside of a Marriott Courtyard hotel room.

Cuba, March 2009: Saturday


Tony Fernández

Saturday morning we went to see a bus that the church has purchased. Transportation is a major problem in Cuba, and this 1964 former school bus is hoped to be part of the solution. The Matanzas church needs the bus on a weekly basis, transporting members out to the mission churches they have started. They also need it for special events. It’s taken a lot of work, but they are proud of the fact that they are on the verge of having a bus of their own.

After seeing the bus, we went to the building of the Versalles church where we met with our brother Gilberto, who is a professional cameraman. We spent time talking about the possibilities of doing media production in Cuba in the future. Following a wonderful lunch with Gilberto, Tony and Tony’s family, we went to visit a farm that the church has purchased. Scarcity of food is another problem, and the church hopes to alleviate that with this small farm (about 30 acres). The land was far from impressive, but the enthusiasm and optimism of our Cuban brothers is contagious, and we went away hoping for the best from this project.

In the evening, we spent time talking with Tony about the future of the work in Cuba. Hopes, dreams, fears and concerns… we laid it all out on the table and spent time praying over it. Tony has committed himself to the church in Cuba, come what may. He has had ample opportunities to leave the island, tempting job offers in various countries. But Tony will stay because he feels called to work in his homeland.

Bill, Steve and I ate supper and got some rest, knowing that Sunday would be a day of travel.