As we consider the topic of evangelism, we need to recognize that people are going to approach this differently. On the one hand, I believe that some people are specially gifted in this area, having a special ability to verbalize their faith in a personal situation (Note: this skill does not always go hand in hand with giftedness in teaching or preaching). However, I think that everyone should be able to “give an answer for the hope that is within them” as Peter put it.
I grew up with evangelism mainly being about convincing believers in Jesus to correct their views on baptism and on proper worship. It was often seen as something confrontational, an attempt to proselytize others. Much evangelism involved teaching strangers. It was an intimidating thing to the average person.
My view on evangelism is somewhat different now. My focus now is on people who don’t know Jesus. I’ll teach anyone who wants to hear, but I’m especially interested in helping those that know something is missing in their life. The gospel is good news to those people, and it’s easy to share good news. I now see much of evangelism as being involved with people and listening to them. Listening is a big part of evangelism. We need to hear when people admit that their lives are lacking something; if you listen, you may be surprised how often people do that.
Another big part of evangelism, however, is our living out our beliefs. We need to be models of service and of love. They need to see that we don’t live out an eye for an eye, that we’re willing to be wronged by others if necessary. They need to see purity in our lives, but also a willingness to admit mistakes.
Another key element is prayer. We have to bathe the relationship in prayer. It’s not about our cleverness or skillful use of language. We play our part, but if God isn’t involved in the process, we are doomed to failure (even if we have apparent “success”; a conversion that takes place like a business sale isn’t really a conversion).
After they’ve seen our lives, after we’ve listened to them, the time will come for us to speak. As I said, I think everyone should be able to state some basic things about their faith. It’s okay for them to take the person to someone else for further teaching, but they need to be able to give a basic statement about their faith.
There will be people more skilled than others, some even able to move a relationship quickly from stranger to friend to convert. But I believe evangelism is something that all of us do, in one way or another.
(Photo by Muriel Miralles de Sawicki, Stock Xchange)
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