Tag Archives: global warming

Global warming: Time to Cool It

360023_90041George Will wrote about global cooling last week. He showed that much of what has been written about climate change over the last 30 or so years has been wrong. It’s an interesting article.

Somehow, climate change became a political issue, with most liberals raising a voice of alarm over the issue and most conservatives claiming that there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. My suspicion is that, like most things, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

What concerns me, though, is the number of Christians that seem to be making it a religious issue. I’m sure that part of that is the fact that many who are conservative religiously are also conservative politically. The problem is, many non-Christians can’t differentiate the two. Their eyes see a GOP seal on our pulpits and an anti-liberal sign on the door. They also suppose that our views on climate change must have some basis in our theology. Why else would Christians speak so consistently on the issue?

Non-Christians know the track record of Bible believers when it comes to science, and it hasn’t been good (think Galileo and the movement of the earth). If climate change turns out to be reality, then Christians come off looking foolish again. And if not, well, I doubt anyone will be converted because these conservatives ended up being right.

Let’s pick our fights carefully. Some things just aren’t worth it.