As I’ve said before, people seem to take many different paths to arrive at an a-cappella-only stance. Personally, I can’t think of another doctrine that has people that reach the same conclusion based on so many different ways of reasoning. Can anyone else think of one?
What that suggests to me is that the case against instrumental music is not clear in the Bible. That is, the average person isn’t going to pick up the Bible and say, “Oh, look… God doesn’t want us to use instruments in worship.” Please note, that does NOT prove the instrumentalists case. God never promised that every doctrine would be simple to understand, nor that we could understand everything without some help.
But it does mean that those of us who oppose the instrument need to stop acting like other people are refusing to see something that’s obvious in the Bible. If it were obvious, the early Christian writers would have referred to New Testament texts when explaining why they didn’t use instruments. If it were obvious, everyone would be able to say basically the same thing when explaining their opposition to instrumental music in the public worship of the church.
It’s not simple. It’s not obvious. It’s not apparent to anyone and everyone who is honest and sincere. Until opponents of mechanical instruments can reach a consensus as to why they oppose such, they have no room for pointing fingers at those who disagree with them.
Or am I missing something?