I’ll be traveling to Cuba soon, speaking about church leadership at the 13th National Preacher’s Meeting. One of the topics that I’ll be speaking on is “Elder Selection: A Spiritual Process.”
During that session, I want to talk about the importance of prayer and fasting in the process of leader identification, as well as the biblical practice of laying on of hands. So I’m curious: to what degree do you see these concepts taught and practiced in our churches today? (I’m obviously focused on churches of Christ, but would love to hear from other traditions as well) It’s interesting to see the political nature of the pope selection process, but I don’t know that we’re in any position to point any fingers. There are a lot of business principles and management techniques that creep into our churches, lots of Robert’s Rules of Order being given equal weight with holy writ.
But I digress. Specifically:
- In what ways is prayer included in the leadership (elders, deacons, staff) selection process in your church?
- In what ways is fasting included?
- Is there laying on of hands? By whom?
- Beyond what is practiced, what are your beliefs about how these practices should be included?