I’m going to be spending some time over the next few days looking at the book The Next Christians by Gabe Lyons.
In the second part of the book, Lyons seeks to give us an idea of what the “Restorers” look like, these Next Christians that he’s writing about. He does this by describing certain attitudes, then giving examples from real life of people who are living them out.
The attitudes are presented in a series of contrasts which are:
- Provoked, not offended — This is the idea that instead of merely condemning non-Christian aspects of our society and withdrawing from them, the restorer is moved to action. Rather than being judgmental, these Christians look to address brokenness and shine light on darkness. Lyons says they choose engagement over condemnation, grace over judgment, courage over comfort and faithfulness over reputation.
- Creators, not critics—Instead of complaining about the state of tv, movies and music in our culture, restorers set to create things of beauty, using excellence to defeat immorality. They create culture that celebrates beauty, affirms goodness, tells the truth and serves.
- Called, not employed—Restorers reject the religious vs. secular dichotomy, looking to reintegrate the message of the gospel into neglected areas of culture. Lyons identifies seven channels of cultural influence: media, education, arts & entertainment, business, government, the social sector and the church. Virtually every legitimate career falls under one of those categories, and Lyons argues that Christians are called to be active in all of them. Every channel of culture needs restoration. It is up to Christians to discover their vocation. Lyons says, “Where your gifts and natural skills collide with your deepest burdens—you have calling.” (p. 124)
- Grounded, not distracted—These Christians are aware that operating in the midst of culture requires being rooted in Christ. This is sought through the spiritual disciplines: being immersed in Scripture instead of entertainment, observing the Sabbath instead of being productive, fasting for simplicity instead of consuming, choosing embodiment instead of being divided, and being postured by prayer instead of power.
- In community, not alone—The restorers that Lyons describe live in contact with one another, looking to combine their resources to better serve. They are also part of their community, making a conscious decision to engage the people around them.
- Countercultural, not relevant—Christians have often tried to be countercultural in three ways: separatists, antagonists or relativists. Lyons’ next Christians reject the old ways which often reflected the opposite of the Christian message. They seek to be a preserving agent in a decaying world, seeking to redeem the world rather than defeat it. They seek to live an inverted lifestyle, flipping the values of this world. They seek to make sense of the world by offering an alternative lifestyle.
I like Lyons’ use of the contrasts to present a picture of how he views restoration. I also like the use of real-world examples that are given in the book.
What do you think of these outlooks? Are they different from what the church has been in the past, or is Lyons arguing against a stereotype? Is there anything you would add to this list?