Links from around the Internet; no agreement nor endorsement implied.
Facts Are Our Friends: Why Sharing Fake News Makes Us Look Stupid and Harms Our Witness
But, regardless, this doesn’t mean that we should be so desperate to find stories to prop up our view that we indiscriminately accept anything that supports the person that we like (or disparages the person we do not). We should be those who seek truth no matter what.
Christian, if you post fake facts, you reflect on the faith—and that’s bad for the gospel and it hinders the mission.
What’s Really Going On with Evangelicals and Same-Sex Marriage
I am not going to rehash my previous articles on why evangelicals, Catholics, Orthodox, and virtually every other church outside of a subset of shrinking churches in the West, believe marriage is foundational and will never be simply something we can “agree to disagree” on. But I do find it fascinating to see organizations and institutions quietly but firmly restating their views on marriage and treating them as a core doctrine.
So, next time you see a headline about an evangelical who has abandoned the historic position of the Church, remember the institutions.
What if You Aborted a Future Janitor?
The biblical grounds for the pro-life argument have nothing to do with a person’s “usefulness” to a family or society. The Bible calls us to the pro-life position based on the reality that all persons are made in the image of God, that God has created us equal, and that therefore all life is precious, whether a person cures cancer or gets cancer, wins an Olympic medal or a Special Olympics medal, can compose like Mozart or sings like Roseanne Barr.
When You’re Not On the Same Page, But In The Same Book
So I love how Paul acknowledges the conflict of these two women, but then at the end of that section points to the fact that they, along with others, while not on the same page, are in the same book, the book of life. There’s something bigger at stake here than their partisanship over their much cherished issue.
We think we’re designing and selling to everyone, but that doesn’t match reality. It makes no sense at all to dumb down your best work to appeal to the longtime bystander, because the bystander isn’t interested. And it certainly makes no sense to try to convert your biggest critics, because they’ve got a lot at stake in their role of being your critic.
Growth comes from person-to-person communication, from the powerful standards of ‘people like us’. And it comes from activating people who are ready to be activated.
Long-term strategy: Don’t be a jerk
When we assume that everyone is a volunteer and that all power is transient, it’s easier to become the person we’re proud to be.