Tag Archives: links

Friday’s Links To Go

A Political Rant Born From a Deeper Theological Conviction than “Americanism”

I’m not opposed to people having the freedom to express these ideas as their opinions on political policies. I am thankful that people can do that. What I want to do is interact with these ideas as a Christian who takes Scripture seriously and who is more committed to the kingdom of God than to a specific country/government. I intend to provide a “play by play” through each of the statements on this little ditty of an image.

The Complementarian Woman: Permitted or Pursued?

How sweet a thing when a woman of apparent ministry gifting elicits from male leadership not “Oh, no,” but “At last!” God help complementarians if we spend our energies fastidiously chalking the boundaries of a racecourse we never urge or equip our women to run. I have to think that egalitarians would grow quieter in their critiques if we could point to more women within our ranks who convincingly demonstrate equal, complementary value in our churches.

The Golden Rule and Our Muslim Neighbors

And remember that regardless of what any Muslim says or does, as Christians, we are to do what Jesus says and does.

Informative Report on Muslim Conversions

Missiologists and conversion theorists know that various people groups — the Messianic Jewish conversion experience is not a soterian gospel conversion experience — have various conversion experiences. This means it is important to drill down to the gospel and let the gospel speak into different contexts. When the gospel is reduced to the soterian gospel it can speak only to one kind of experience.
But I have often wondered about the pattern of Muslim conversion, and here’s a sketch of that pattern by Georges Houssney

Marital Lies

Take a moment to look over these statements. If you see that you are telling yourself these lies, then learn to see them for what they are and try to think differently. Tell yourself that they are not true and try rewording them as truths. Take number 3 for an example. Tell yourself, “My spouse will only know what I need and be able to help fulfill that need when I communicate that need.”

Not smelling our own stench

We are plagued with the same problem. We often do not smell the stench of our pride. While we quickly spot the stench on someone else, we are often oblivious to the pride in our own lives, noticing it “maybe once a month or so.”

Our young people and self-fulfilling prophecies

We have reacted so strongly to this fear that I am not surprised our young people want to leave. We are incredibly condescending to our young people. Do we really think they are so shallow that casual dress and rock bands with a really young preacher will keep them? They should be insulted.
And many of them are. I believe they leave because they want authenticity. We give them what we wanted as young people. Nothing sadder than a bunch of old church leaders trying to decide what young people want.

Just one more call

If I had one more phone conversation, I would have talked a little longer. In fact, I thought about giving her a call, but decided on tomorrow because I would have more time on the way home from cutting grass at the church building. After tonight, I wish I would have called.

Eight New Things We’ve Learned About Music

Why is it that music can affect us in such profound ways? “Because it does” seems like a pretty good answer to me, but scientists aren’t that easy. They’ve been wrestling with this for a long time, yet it was not that long ago that two researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Anne Blood and Robert Zatorre, came up with an explanation, at least a physiological one.

Aggregating the aggregators

My friend and Herald of Truth colleague Tony Fernández is coming to town, and I’m not sure how that will affect my opportunities for posting on this blog. Tony will be busy, and I will be his translator most of the time he’s here.

Knowing that you could get desperate for something to read, I thought I’d share some sources of good info. These are the people that I rob from freely when putting together my lists of links. They are… The Aggregators.

So if you need some reading material on spiritual matters, these guys can suggest some good material.

Happy reading!

Thursday’s Links To Go

Reading Romans 13 with John Howard Yoder (Again)

Logically, these two theses contradict each other. The only way to reconcile them is to claim, as in the self-image of America’s recent media hero, Colonel [Oliver] North, that God-fearing people have more right to violate the laws, moral and statutory, than do the heathen.

Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 11 Things I Learned

  1. The church refused to look like the community.
  2. The church had no community-focused ministries.
  3. Members became more focused on memorials.
  4. The percentage of the budget for members’ needs kept increasing.
  5. There were no evangelistic emphases.
  6. The members had more and more arguments about what they wanted.
  7. With few exceptions, pastoral tenure grew shorter and shorter.
  8. The church rarely prayed together.
  9. The church had no clarity as to why it existed.
  10. The members idolized another era.
  11. The facilities continued to deteriorate.

I’m Just Not Wired That Way

But I need to remember why I’m wired that way. It’s good that I enjoy being an introvert, but my enjoyment is not the highest goal of my existence. God’s glory is. And that often means doing things that are uncomfortable, unexpected, and undesired, working against my wiring when necessary as a (hopefully) faithful bearer of God’s image in the world.

Pastoring the Idle

In his vibrant memoir The Pastor, Eugene Peterson reflects on this. In its early days, his church plant drew “A few seasoned saints who kn[e]w how to pray and listen and endure,” but also “a considerable number of people who pretty much just showed up” (128). They were “the lukewarm,” and there were many of them.
In such a situation, facing spiritual lethargy in a congregation, what should a pastor do?

Brentwood doctor, wife sell off everything to serve Haitians with nothing

We’re supposed to work hard, make money and retire well. Right? That’s the American dream.
For 40 years, Dr. David Vanderpool and his wife, Laurie, of Brentwood, have had another dream.
The Vanderpools are selling everything and moving to Haiti to serve medical, educational and spiritual needs.

Top 5 Compliments in the Bible

I was listening to David Shannon, one of my favorite preachers, last week and he mentioned a verse and said: “I imagine that is one of the five top compliments in the Bible.” And, it happened again! I checked out (sorry David). My mind started thinking (which is good, cause that’s what minds are supposed to do) “What are the top five compliments in the Bible.” So, without further comment I offer you my list:

Voice activated texting while driving no safer than using hands

Going hands-free on your mobile device to send a text while driving is no less dangerous than the traditional method, according to a new university study.
In fact, the risk is nearly identical, with both ways cutting reaction time for drivers in half.

Wednesday’s Links To Go

Caring for The Environment of God’s Earth

You don’t have to like or agree with Al Gore in order to care about God’s creation. Christians have no business dismissing everyone who cares about this planet as “environmental wackos” “eco-Nazis,” cranks, and chicken littles. Yes, of course there are extremists. (Hey, I live in Oregon. I know those extremists, but I still want Oregon to remain clean and beautiful!) Remember, there are “Christian wackos” too, but most of us do not appreciate being dismissed by that label. Don’t throw out the baby of responsible earth-care with the bathwater of anti-enterprise gloom.

Discussing and Dealing with Pornography

Today, we are evangelizing and disciplining a generation of men who have been inundated with sexually provocative images and have in many instances become numb to sinful sexual practices and inappropriateness. In fact, sexuality is so pervasive that according to one author, “If you don’t address sexuality as part of your evangelism then you’ll either store up problems for future discipleship or you’ll never win people for Christ in the first place.” That’s a strong statement. Yet, it serves to remind us of the ubiquitous nature of unbiblical sexuality in our culture, and how its sinful effects are felt by all. For sure, there can be no true and lasting discipleship today without dealing with the issues of pornography and sexual temptation.

Your Worship Service is B-O-R-I-N-G!

Your church exists (especially it’s corporate worship) to Glorify God and edify believers. That can’t happen if both God and the church are bored…even if that boredom is created by willful decisions to remain boring.

Are we really “losing” our young people?

If they go to another church and stay faithful to the Lord, have we really lost them? And yes, I do have problems with young people that leave my fellowship and go to places that do not believe those things that Scripture teaches really matter. But having said that, I find many young people in house churches, cell group fellowships, and various churches with differing worship styles. But if the core convictions are the same, I don’t believe we have “lost” them.

There Really Is A Reason – 12 Benefits Of Afflictions

So in God’s plan, afflictions have great benefit to us, as painful as they are at times. If we keep these benefits in mind when we suffer, they can help us endure joyfully.

Scripture in Worship

I write this as an encouragement to those churches who have not yet discovered the value of incorporating more of the Bible into their worship services. Because God’s word is what revives the soul, makes us wise, enlightens the eyes, and is the means by which God sanctifies us (Ps. 19; Jn. 17:17), we should be eager to give it a prominent place in our worship. While it is common to read the Scripture with the sermon and before the Lord’s Supper, I want to suggest 5 more places in worship where the word of God can be lifted up.

When Grief Kills Your Faith: Some Practical Advice

The dilemma that results is this: we need our family and friends during grief … to share our grief with, to remember and to receive acceptance; yet, we’re afraid we will be ostracized by our family and friends if we express our doubt. Do we: 1. Pursue our grief induced doubts at the expense of our community and at the expense of experiencing the grief within the community; or, 2. Do we pursue our community at the expense of our personal faith searching?

Why I started Visual Worshiper

Diving in to the concept of visual worship led me to be fascinated by old church buildings and cathedrals where I saw something interesting: the Church used to be REALLY good at using visuals in worship spaces! Stained glass, mosaic, tapestries, paint – they ALL told stories of God and helped the Church worship…visually. However, every time I would look out at our sanctuary walls; they were bland. White. Void. You might be able to relate…

Mormon bishop with Samurai sword runs off attacker

Hendrix, a bishop in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, said it was the first time in 30 years of practicing martial arts that he’s used the sword. He didn’t swing it at the man, only showing him he had it.

Tuesday’s Links To Go

The Earth is the Lord’s!

Time and again in the Old Testament, the spiritual health of the people of Israel and the health and well-being of their land reflect each other. God had given the Israelites their own land, a land of plenty and fruitfulness. Where is your “Canaan”? What are the unique beauties and distinctive features of the place where you live?

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Every time we answer the question, “What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” we come into contact with important information about ourselves. We can look beneath our answers to find our deepest truths. We can also confront our fears, and assess whether they are worth heeding, or if we should charge ahead right through the fear.

We Should Shine Bright in the Darkness

By living out the Word in real life and real time, we engage the King’s mission on a subversive level. We no longer come across as paid salesmen for God trying to build our own self-esteem and bank account by closing a deal (memorized presentation and all). Kingdom citizens come across as satisfied customers embracing all of life with the King. We are living with the benefits that should include better marriages, relationships, and overall approaches to life.

Busy is Killing Leadership

You become busy when you mistake activity for productivity, when you mistake efficiency for effectiveness and when you mistake more for better. You become busy when you ask “What’s next?” rather then stopping to consider “Why this?”. Busyness kills leadership

Is this the best you can do?

Is this the best you can do?
If the answer to this is “yes,” and you think you’re done, you might be settling too soon. The right question is, “Is this the best your team can do?”

Do You Speak Christianese?

Now you tell us… what’s your favorite Christianese word or expression? Do you know some that are so hilarious you can’t say them without the giggles? Was there a time you had to translate someone’s Christianese into plain talk so someone could understand it? Share your Christianese-related anecdotes with us in the comments!

Kan. woman meets circus tiger in bathroom

About that time, Salina resident Jenna Krehbiel decided she needed to use the restroom. When she walked in the door that hadn’t been blocked off, she found a tiger standing about 2 feet away

Father And Son Don’t Get Their Chicken Wings, Return To Restaurant With AK-47

An angry Antonius Hart Sr. and Antonius Hart Jr. (pictured below) returned to Pirtle’s Chicken in Memphis after realizing they hadn’t been given the chicken wings they ordered.
The cashier offered to replace the missing pieces, but the pair wanted more, demanding extra chicken pieces due to them having to drive back to the restaurant.
When that was refused, Antonius Hart Sr. allegedly revealed the AK-47 he had brought with him.