Tag Archives: megathemes

Megathemes in the church in 2010

Last month, Barna Group Research published a list of megathemes in American Christianity in 2010. If you haven’t seen them, let me summarize them here:

  1. The church is losing theological literacy. This includes knowledge of the Bible and knowledge of general Christian (and non-Christian) theology.
  2. Churches are focusing their attention inward, not outward. Wish I could say that that is a surprise, but I think that’s been a “megatrend” for a long, long time. Even the “seeker friendly” churches quickly become “member friendly” churches.
  3. People are less interested in spiritual principles and more interested in practical solutions. I’d guess that’s more true in America than other places because that describes a general trend in our culture. Pragmatism is king.
  4. Interest in community action is on the rise. I’ll admit that I like this and hate it at the same time. I’m glad it’s happening, I just wish we wouldn’t neglect other things along the way.
  5. Postmodernism’s “tolerance” is beginning to become a popular theme within the church. Fear of being seen as judgmental leads us to not want to condemn anything. Waning trust in absolute truth leaves Christians willing to accept anything in the name of keeping the peace.
  6. The church has little to no influence on people’s lives and the culture around us. I heard of one pastor in Houston who worked for decades at a large church. He commented late in life that his greatest frustration was the lack of change in the community around his church. The church grew, but it’s influence didn’t.

From my vantage point, I think this research is spot on. I’d like to hear your thoughts and reflections.