One of the great things about interactive blogging is that, even when you don’t have good thoughts, your readers will. On Monday, Robert Smelser wrote: “…politics encourages behavior that is firmly not Christ-like from Christians. I Timothy 5:22 wars us not to cooperate with the sin on another, but look at how quickly we will spread lies about a candidate we don’t like. “Obama is a Muslim! We don’t know where he was born! He was sworn in on the Koran! Etc.” We become like the example in James 3:9-12 where we allow blessings and curses to flow from the same mouth. We set aside our Christianity to condemn another with lies and half-truths.” His words seem prophetic now. On one Christian mailing list yesterday, one member sent message after message of what can only be called muck. No discussion of issue. Almost no message that was true or fair in its entirety. And he remained unrepentant because of how bad he perceived the candidate he was maligning to be. The end justifies the means. I wish I could say this man was unique, but I’ve seen the same hateful messages coming from other Christian sources.
Bobby Ross posted this link yesterday: It’s a good read, reminding us that politics in America have always been dirty. But does that excuse that kind of behavior by Christians?
Our political discussions damage the relationships between brothers. They create barriers between us and outsiders. (I’ve heard it said, “You have to be Republican to attend that church.”) Our mishandling of the truth in political discussions leads the world to distrust what we say in other areas. We lose our Christian testimony. Is it truly worth it?
I say no.
Tag Archives: Politics
Politics, the Lamb’s way
I find myself time and again going back to Revelation 5. I wrote a post about this chapter a while back, but I’d like to look at it again, this time seeing what the passage tells us about politics. If you remember, that passage is key to understanding Revelation, and I think gives insight on the whole New Testament. The apostle John is in the throne room of God, looking at a sealed scroll that no one has sufficient security clearance to open (my paraphrase). Then he is told that the conquering Lion of Judah, the Root of David, can open the scroll. This is kingly language. Lion of Judah. Root of David. Triumph. That sounds like a hero to stand up to the persecuting Roman empire. That’s what these suffering Christians need. That’s how they can overcome Rome. Power!
Then John turns and sees a lamb. Not just a lamb, but a lamb with its throat slit. A sacrificed lamb. What happened to the lion? Where’s the king? Where’s the power? The Lamb has seven horns, sign of perfect power in biblical terms. Still, this lamb was slain. Then we are told the unthinkable, as the inhabitants of heaven sing to the Lamb: “You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain…” Because you were slain. The Lamb conquered by dying. By being sacrificed.
And so John introduces us to the politics of the Lamb. How was the church going to overcome Rome? Not by meeting sword with sword but by meeting sword with bared neck. They would conquer by being faithful unto death, that is, by laying down their lives. They would triumph with blood, not ballots nor bullets. They were to stand up to the Roman empire, but not with violence, social agitation or noisy protests. They were to faithfully proclaim the Word of God, being faithful witnesses, following in the footsteps of the One who testified to Pilate and Herod by letting them nail Him to a cross. “It is enough for the student to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master.” (Matthew 10:25)
How would we today have dealt with the Roman empire? Maybe we could get Christians into influential positions at a local, national and international level. Work through the political system. Let influential members speak with their friends in high places. Or we could imitate the Jewish sicarii and let our weapons do the talking. It’s an evil empire, so armed resistance is justified. Everyone knows all that stuff in the Sermon on the Mount wasn’t really meant to be put into practice.
But that’s not what we see in Revelation Chapter 5. The Lion is a Lamb. Triumph comes through sacrifice, power expresses itself in meekness. The Lamb’s chosen way is not easy. We’d rather be called to overcome through military strength, to wield political power, to use society’s tools to change society. We want the Lion, not the Lamb. But victory comes not through wielding the sword but through yielding to the sword.
How do we live out the way of the Lamb in the 21st century?
In July, I was at a Christian workshop in Florida. Several people expressed to me their concern about the upcoming election. Concern is a mild word for some of them. It was closer to panic. I tried to remind them that God is still God, no matter the outcome, but they took little consolation. I couldn’t help but wonder how these people would make it until November, if they were already so focused on the election when it was only late July.
So how much time should Christians spend on politics? This current season has been going on for over a year. Two years from now it will be congressional elections. Then a year later the whole thing starts again. People say, “Oh, it’s only once every four years,” but I’m not convinced. Seems like the whole political process takes a lot more time than that.
What’s your opinion? When does it all become too much? When is it a distraction from the business of God’s kingdom? Or is this all a necessary part of our Christian witness and Christian life?
I’d like to hear your opinions.