Tag Archives: Preaching

Presentation suggestion #4: Varying learning styles

560469_oldschool_2One of the justifications for using visual presentations in church is the fact that people learn in different ways. Traditionally, three principle principal learning styles have been identified: visual learners, experiential learners, and aural learners. Some learn by seeing, some learn by experiencing something, some learn by hearing.

Eddie Sharp, who now preaches down in Austin, did an interesting experiment a few years ago. He intentionally varied his language from sermon to sermon. In one, he used lots of “visual words”—what we see in this passage, the image presented, etc. In another, he focused on feeling words, emphasizing emotions and empathy with the characters in the Bible story. In a third, he focused on “hearing” the word of God. After each sermon, a different group of people came up to say how much the sermon had impacted them.

Eddie’s experiment shows that you don’t have to have a projector and a screen to appeal to different learning styles. It also reminds me that just using a presentation won’t necessarily appeal to different styles either. When putting together a sermon with a presentation, appeals to different learning styles should be kept in mind. Our services have traditionally rewarded those who liked to learn by hearing (hence the term auditorium and the arrangement of our seating), as well as those who preferred highly rational, non-emotional worship.

[As a side note, back in the 1980s, Flavil Yeakley wrote an excellent study of the discipling movement in our brotherhood. The best chapter in the book was “What We Can Learn From the Discipling Movement.” There he spoke of how our traditional evangelistic style appeals to introverts more than extroverts. That may have changed in twenty years, but it was interesting then.]

I favor the use of presentations largely for this reason, the need to reach out to other learning styles. It’s not the only way to reach out to them, but it can be an effective way.

Presentation Suggestion #3: Worth Ten Thousand Bullet Points


Photo by Ove Tøpfer; from Stock Xchange

Photo by Ove Tøpfer; from Stock Xchange

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. If so, it’s worth ten thousand bullet points. One of the best uses of PowerPoint is using lots of photos, drawings and maps to illustrate your sermon.

But doesn’t it take forever to find such stuff? Not if you know where to look. Here are some suggestions for finding royalty free resources:

  • Wikimedia Commons—It’s fast becoming a favorite of mine. All of the pictures are supposed to be in the public domain.
  • Stock Xchange—Great site for amateur photos. Be sure and read the fine print on usage restrictions.
  • Flickr: Creative Commons and Government Sources collections are wonderful.
  • You can find religious photos here, Bible land photos here, Christian clip art  here, and general Bible resources here.
  • Several of the above sites have backgrounds for use in presentations. Heartlight is another good source for those.
  • If you need more ideas, you can find a list of sites for free photos here and another list for high resolution photos here.

As you use these resources, you’ll learn where to look for what kind of resource, and you usually won’t have to spend much time finding what you need. (I was going to provide some links to Bible maps, but a Google search turned up so many sites that it didn’t seem necessary. If someone knows a particularly good site, feel free to comment)

Pictures can sometimes impact in a way that words can’t. How many times did God show someone a vision rather than just telling them the information directly? Don’t build your sermon around pictures, but do use pictures to bring your lessons to life.

Presentation Suggestion #2: Think big!

03projector600When preparing a presentation for use in an auditorium, think big. In some places the light isn’t good, in others the equipment isn’t what it should be. Even when conditions are ideal, you’re dealing with different people who are looking from varying angles, distances, etc.

The best thing to do is think big. Big fonts. (Legible fonts more than artistic ones) Big graphics. Go for contrast; don’t try blue on black or grey on white. Big, bold, contrasting. Fewer words in a bigger size.

No matter what you have on the screen, if people are having to strain to make it out, it will be a distraction. Big. Clear. Legible. You won’t regret it, and you’re audience won’t either.

Presentation Suggestion #1: Illustration not sermon

home_slideAs I commented to someone following the last post, I sometimes get requests for my “PowerPoint” after I present somewhere. (Especially true when I did a seminar at a preacher training school last year) I always cheerfully comply, but I warn them that unless they took good notes on my presentation, the slides won’t do them any good. Even I look back at old presentations without being sure what each slide was about.

That’s because I don’t want my whole sermon up on the screen. Presentations are visual aids and are meant to be such. When the inventors of PowerPoint first presented the idea of PowerPoint, they accompanied the presentation with a 53-page handout. 53 pages! They obviously didn’t put all the information on the slides. That’s not the best way to communicate.

Put Bible references up, not the full text. Put main words up, not slide after slide of bullet points. Use pictures that evoke an emotional response. Maps and pictures of Bible lands can aid understanding. Just remember… it’s an illustration, not a sermon. Just as you can’t build a good sermon around nothing but jokes and stories, you can’t build a sermon around a presentation. But you can reinforce the sermon, especially for people that are visual learners. Presentations make great illustrations and lousy sermons.

[Oh, and don’t use slides that look like that one up at the top of the post!]

Involving the kids

On most Sundays, the kids at our church have their own class during the sermon time. Starting last month, on the second Sunday of each month, they stay with their families. I regularly preach for the bilingual group that meets in the chapel. We found out about the change the hard way last month. I sent the kids out, then they had to come back… and never settled down again.
This time I was ready. I was preaching the story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5. When I told the kids they weren’t going to class (along with appropriate groans and signs of dismay from them), I told them that I needed their help. Since adults don’t have enough imagination to picture things, I explained, I needed them to draw some pictures for us. At first I explained who Naaman was, how he got sick with leprosy, and how that would have ruined his life. I then asked them to draw a man who was sad because he was sick. I told them that I would want to see their drawings.
I then spoke to the adults a while, but the smaller ones finished their drawings quickly and were anxious to show them. I hadn’t calculated that well, and had to stop more than once to allow them to show their drawings.
When we came to the part of the text where Naaman is cured, I asked them to make a new drawing, one with a man who is happy because he wasn’t sick anymore. When I got close to the end of the sermon, I had them show their drawings. I encouraged the adults to be sure they could see at least one of the drawings. I closed the sermon by telling the adults that if the smiley face on that paper didn’t correspond to how they felt on the inside, they needed to look at getting right with God. [It was more complicated than that, but that was my way of trying to hit a broad range of needs]
What do you think of involving the kids in that way? Obviously, it’s easier in a group of 50 in a chapel than a group of 700 in a large auditorium. Does it sound like too much of a distraction for everyone else? Does it fall outside the bounds of “decently and in order”? Do you have suggestions of other ways to engage the younger ones in the sermon?