Tag Archives: Preaching

Here, steal this thought

Greg England wrote about a cute story he heard a preacher tell, a story about when the preacher was young. Problem was, I’d heard that story numerous times. And it was all over the Internet. When I pointed that out to Greg, he didn’t find the story quite as cute. No one likes to be deceived.
When I was in college, one of our local preachers liked to do that. He told stories about his college days, dazzling us with the quick wit and the daring way he spoke to his professors. None of it was true, of course. Maybe he assumed we knew those were old Bill Cosby jokes he was telling. I for one felt like he had lied to me.
Obviously, stealing someone else’s sermon is worse. Also while in college, I heard the preacher at my parents’ home church preach a sermon that was one of the best I’d heard from him. I liked it less when I found it in a Chuck Swindoll book, word for word.
To those who speak in public: nobody thinks the less of you if you admit that you are using something you’ve read from someone else. A verbal “footnote” takes a few seconds and means a lot. That story will be just as effective even if you tell it as having happened to someone else. You don’t have to put yourself into the joke to make it funny. Speak as one who tells the truth. Make it clear to everyone that what you say happened just as you said it did.
I can’t always remember from where I’ve gotten an idea. If nothing else, you can say, “I read once…” or “As someone said…” If the thought isn’t yours and you know it, admit that. And if you want to use someone else’s lesson once in a while, that’s okay. Just admit it.
Or am I the only that thinks preacher plagiarism is wrong?

Press 1 for English

Have you ever been to a bilingual church service? Have you ever heard bilingual preaching? If so, how was it done? Was it a speaker with a translator or the speaker translating himself? Did they use translation via headset or live translation? Was it 5 minutes in one language followed by 5 minutes in the other? Or was it rapid-fire switching between the two?

Working with Herald of Truth, I run into lots of people who say, “Oh, I remember hearing Glenn Owen translate for Juan Monroy. That was so much fun.”

I also run into lots of people who have very negative feelings toward bilingual services, including a surprising percentage of people who think that they can’t work or can’t work for long.

I’m interested in hearing your opinions. Partly because I preach bilingually almost every Sunday and partly because I’m preparing a class for a workshop. Any ideas, opinions, anecdotes, etc. will be welcome.


Since I’m still all fuzzy-brained from traveling, I’ll try and solicit information from you. As you understand it, what is the biblical basis for preaching/preachers/sermons as practiced in the church today? Not so much the idea of the paid/located preacher, but just the inclusion of a sermon in each of our worship services. What biblical passages led us to this practice?

Thanks for your help!

Assembly & My Druthers

evangelicalismAll right, let me take a pause in this series to talk about “my druthers” in this matter. Just yesterday I was talking with a friend about how at times my preferences and my theology don’t line up.

I tend to be a bit introverted. Shy. There are situations that I hate, like having to make a phone call to a person I don’t know. But I am, at the same time, a bit of a showman. I grew up performing in musical groups; I love it. While I fear the phone, I love the microphone. I may have trouble meeting people at a party, but give me the chance to get up and speak to 10,000 people, and I’ll jump at it.

The showman in me loves assemblies, especially if I get a chance to be up in front. The bigger, the better.

I’m also one of those people who is cursed with an overblown view of himself. I’d rather go to church and listen to myself than to someone else. I know more than the Bible class teacher and preach better than the preacher. My song leading would wow them all, and I would have come up with more appropriate communion thoughts. One prayer was too long, the other too short. I would love the assembly to be about me.

So what are my preferences? Daily assemblies, where I get to preach every day, like I’ve heard the Puritans did. Barring that, weekly assemblies, centered around my preaching. Put the spotlight on the preacher, and let the preacher be me.

Theologically, I don’t think the sermon should be the center of the service. Not even close. There shouldn’t be a spotlight, and it certainly shouldn’t be on me. And should the assembly be the center of our Christian life? Did Jesus die on the cross so that His people would meet together once a week? I’m obviously having my doubts.

But I’ll continue with those in another post.