Tag Archives: talk radio

I blame the talking heads

One of the things that shocked me most when I returned to the U.S. from Argentina was the lack of civil discourse, especially where politics are concerned. Admittedly, politics has long been an area in which people resorted to name calling, accusations and angry rhetoric. However, I didn’t remember things quite that bad back in the 1980s. (Before I stepped into my 15-year time capsule)

I blame the talking heads, the Rush Limbaughs and Alan Colmes, the Air Americas and the Premiere Radio Networks. Much of the change took place when the FCC Fairness Act was repealed in 1987; now stations no longer have to give equal time to opposing views. In addition, the rise of cable channels like CNN played a large part. As these networks sought to fill long hours of programming, they discovered that people liked to watch arguments more than they liked discussions. If these channels could find two extremists willing to insult one another on television, millions would tune in.

Over time, a new genre was born. Gone were the days of respect and civility. Now opponents must be vilified and berated. Those who disagree are ignorant or dishonest. Opposing viewpoints are dangerous and unpatriotic.

As I said, this sort of rhetoric isn’t new to the political world. I remember studying such tactics in a course on ancient rhetoric, seeing how the Greeks insulted one another within their senate. But as our entire society becomes politicized, the rhetoric of politics has become the lingua franca of today. From discussion about sports to discussion about religion, the devil’s tongue is heard throughout the land.

I hate to see Christians resort to hate speech. I despise it when they pass around half-truths and outright lies, justifying it in the name of promoting their agenda. Maybe that’s why I’m especially tired of hearing Christians talk about politics, because they do it with the jargon of the world, not the language of heaven.

And I blame the talking heads.