Reading Romans 13 with John Howard Yoder (Again)
Logically, these two theses contradict each other. The only way to reconcile them is to claim, as in the self-image of America’s recent media hero, Colonel [Oliver] North, that God-fearing people have more right to violate the laws, moral and statutory, than do the heathen.
Autopsy of a Deceased Church: 11 Things I Learned
- The church refused to look like the community.
- The church had no community-focused ministries.
- Members became more focused on memorials.
- The percentage of the budget for members’ needs kept increasing.
- There were no evangelistic emphases.
- The members had more and more arguments about what they wanted.
- With few exceptions, pastoral tenure grew shorter and shorter.
- The church rarely prayed together.
- The church had no clarity as to why it existed.
- The members idolized another era.
- The facilities continued to deteriorate.
But I need to remember why I’m wired that way. It’s good that I enjoy being an introvert, but my enjoyment is not the highest goal of my existence. God’s glory is. And that often means doing things that are uncomfortable, unexpected, and undesired, working against my wiring when necessary as a (hopefully) faithful bearer of God’s image in the world.
In his vibrant memoir The Pastor, Eugene Peterson reflects on this. In its early days, his church plant drew “A few seasoned saints who kn[e]w how to pray and listen and endure,” but also “a considerable number of people who pretty much just showed up” (128). They were “the lukewarm,” and there were many of them.
In such a situation, facing spiritual lethargy in a congregation, what should a pastor do?
Brentwood doctor, wife sell off everything to serve Haitians with nothing
We’re supposed to work hard, make money and retire well. Right? That’s the American dream.
For 40 years, Dr. David Vanderpool and his wife, Laurie, of Brentwood, have had another dream.
The Vanderpools are selling everything and moving to Haiti to serve medical, educational and spiritual needs.
Top 5 Compliments in the Bible
I was listening to David Shannon, one of my favorite preachers, last week and he mentioned a verse and said: “I imagine that is one of the five top compliments in the Bible.” And, it happened again! I checked out (sorry David). My mind started thinking (which is good, cause that’s what minds are supposed to do) “What are the top five compliments in the Bible.” So, without further comment I offer you my list:
Voice activated texting while driving no safer than using hands
Going hands-free on your mobile device to send a text while driving is no less dangerous than the traditional method, according to a new university study.
In fact, the risk is nearly identical, with both ways cutting reaction time for drivers in half.