Thursday’s Links To Go

Why Multiculturalism Is a Must for the Church

Though uncomfortable at times, the pursuit of multiculturalism in the Church isn’t just nice—it’s necessary. We ultimately develop richer, more wonderfully complex views of God and a deeper love and appreciation for one another when we choose to actively participate in one another’s stories that are different from our own, that originate from different places.

Finding Excuses to Die: The Problem with Thinking It’s about Everything Else

If you’re not changing with the people and resources you’ve got, then even if all those Christmas and Easter folks came the next week, nothing would be different. In fact, things might get considerably worse.
Most ministers are afraid in the deepest part of their souls of getting everything they’ve always said they needed.
Because if your wish list is completed, and you finally get everything you think you need to change (more volunteers, a better web site, an associate, the right associate, great leadership, a bigger parking lot, an oversubscribed budget, shade grown coffee and Barcaloungers in the narthex), what happens if things don’t change then?

A Letter to the North American Church: Because it is Time

And I’m sitting under a tree in Africa with the richest in the world and it’s not Bill Gates and it’s not Warren Buffet and it’s not Mark Zuckerberg and it’s not the family with 2 cars, a flat screen television and one week at Disney. It’s a bunch of kids in Africa in ripped shirts and torn shoes, who have no knives or forks and sleep on floors.
It’s only the people who give sacrificially who get to live richly.
And I bow my sorry head.

The Role of Memory in Worship

Today, our songs of worship not only point upward in praise, but they are also ways of sharing and passing memory to each other, even across generations. The young in our churches need to understand that old songs are the voice of those who have gone before us passing down memory to us. Likewise, our older Christians need to understand that new songs are connected to fresh memories in the lives of Christians today. It is not about old or new. It is about remembering the right things.

Competition in Ministry … Yes or No?

This kind of competition in ministry may appeal to our flesh. However, we may be forgetting that God’s ministry requires a power far beyond our own abilities. As a result, we may be taking pride in our own performance instead of God who is at work in us.

7 Ways a Pastor has a Great Weekend (Sabbath)

Your weekend may not look like everyone else’s, but you can have one. You can do a Monday and Saturday combination or a Friday and Saturday, whatever works best in your setting. Again, don’t be ruled by what society says is a weekend. Just be ruled by the truth that you need rest.

Don’t Stop

When the Christian life gets hard, will we press on? Will we remember that we were called to finish the race, not just start it? If so, then there’s a winner’s crown waiting for us, just like there was for Paul.

Oops — Radford diplomas misspell Virginia

The university awarded diplomas at its December and May commencements that spelled Virginia without the final “i.” Also misspelled was thereto, as in “all honors, rights and privileges thereto appertaining.”

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