Onion Beats AP By Months On Vatican Damage Control Of Pope Francis
The satirical news website published the headline “Vatican Quickly Performs Damage Control On Pope’s Tolerant Remarks” on July 29th, 2013.
Today an Associated Press story, “Pope Francis’ Controversial Remarks Prompt Vatican ‘Damage Control’,” was published, and it’s strikingly similar to the original Onion piece.
Two Communication Keys That Doubled My Church
People respect a church that is clear about their purpose and sticks to their focus. Communities are hungry for dependability and stability. You can’t have that when you’re chasing lots of good ideas at the expense of your great idea.
Creating Real, Lasting Change Requires More Than New Practices
The culture of the church plays a huge role in how things work. That is why cookie cutter ministry approaches just don’t work well. Taking one church’s ministry and dropping it into another congregation is unrealistic. Churches don’t usually overlap in their talents, facility, and (on a deeper level) their core values and church culture so what works one place may not work well in practice somewhere else because both places aren’t on the same page and don’t value all the same things. There is more to creating real, lasting change than just adopting a new set of “to do’s”. Real, lasting change has to flow from a change in something deeper than a to do list.
Luke 15: Jesus Seeks “Sinners”
Unfortunately, we are too often the elder sibling. unChristian describes the elder sibling. Rather than demonstrating hospitality we tend to shun “others.” Rather than showing sensitivity we erupt in anger or we are at least indifferent to their situation. Rather than humbling ourselves to bear their shame we arrogantly demand they cross the street to meet us.
It is little wonder that Christians have an image problem. It is acute because we fail to image Jesus himself. Gandhi was right. The problem with Christianity is Christians.
One Pastor’s Top Three Sacred Cows in Desperate Need of Tipping
Sacred Cow #1: Entertaining Sermons
Sacred Cow #2: Relevant Sermons
Sacred Cow #3: Successful Ministry
40 Must-See Photos From The Past
These photographs all tell stories about the historical figures or events that they represent. Once taken simply to document their present, they now help us witness the past. Many photographs only become iconic shots years later, once we understand their importance and historical context. From historical landmarks and famous people to the basic daily routines of the past, these pictures portray the past in a way that we can empathize with and understand more intimately.
Granddad picks up wrong kid from school
The 6-year-old girl shares the same first name as the man’s granddaughter and is in the same grade, according to The Guardian.
She took the bus with the 74-year-old man to a doctor’s office in Kent, where she was prescribed Acetaminophen, before being dropped back off at class.
A Capella Science – Bohemian Gravity!