André Trocmé on the witness of the church to the state
So what ought we to expect from such a witness–a robust intercession that calls on the powers that be to do right, animated by an engine of constant prayer? Do we suppose that Caesar will beat his sword into plowshares and declare a Jubilee? No, for then he would cease to be Caesar. But what do we see from the unjust judge of our parable?
The judge yields. He does not henceforth adopt the Sermon on the Mount as his norm, yet he gives in on one point. And so other plaintiffs, and the widow herself, will be able to invoke the precedent to obtain justice once again. In this way the church will fulfill its function in society. It will not itself govern, but it is the cornerstone of divine justice, and the state must either build on it or else stumble over it to its own condemnation.
Look, I’m all for being manly (if you’re a man). But let’s not be pansies by letting our gun toting, rib eating, Harley riding culture tells us what it means to be a man. I own guns. I love ribs. I ride a Harley. But I don’t let these cultural artifacts dictate my theology. The New Testament is clear: Real men love their enemies, never return evil for evil, and never resist evil by using violence. Real men suffer. Real men pray for those who persecute them. Real men submit to the sword, but they don’t bear it.
“To go through life guessing wrong”
Having spent so many years hearing teaching that warned Christians not to “miss God’s will” for their lives, usually accompanied by some vague but dire warning of the consequences, how I wish this grace-filled perspective had somehow broken through to people bearing the heavy burden laid on them.
The Millennials Are Rejecting Fighting Churches and Christians
It seems, therefore, that Christians and churches will win the right to be heard by Millennials when those Christians and churches demonstrate love and unity among themselves. And the early reporting from the Millennial generation about this issue is not too encouraging. We Christians and the churches we represent may be one of the biggest stumbling blocks to reaching the largest generation in America’s history.
Will my church be here in the future?
I am not sure my job as an elder is to ensure that my congregation is here in the future. I do think it is my responsibility to get my flock, the souls in my care, to heaven. But I am not sure the only way to do that is to make sure my congregation is still here.
So you see, I know the church can be outright ugly at times in the way that she acts. But I also know that the church, fueled by the power of the Holy Spirit, is capable of beautiful and amazing ministry done in the name of Jesus. I know because I have seen it both “professionally” as a Minister and personally in my own darkest hour.
Doing Short Term Missions Well, Part 2
But often it makes no sense to the local people and can create resentment in places where people with the needed skills in the church or community badly need the work and can do a better job for a fraction of what Americans spend getting there. Not to mention, hiring local people helps the economy, fights poverty, and creates opportunities to form relationships that could lead to making disciples. If you are going to do a service project, bring something the locals cannot do or hire done with your help.
$1200 left in rented costume returned
Shawn’s early disbelief changed to relief when he learned the total amount was found saying, “I didn’t fully expect it all to be there, but it was there…You would never think that somebody would be kind enough to return it and be that honest.” “He’s my customer and I think that might belong to him so I think I’m responsible to find it for him,” said the costume shop owner.
The Blurb
[Read how an author gets an Internet scammer to write a blurb for his new novel. Hilarious! – Tim]