Not my thoughts… just some interesting reading.
No agreement nor endorsement implied.
If Jesus is a pansy, I want to be one too
Even if we are considered “pansies” as pacifists, no insult should hold us back from following our crucified Lord. Resurrection is on the other side of the cross, so even when hope looks bleak, it remains. If Jesus is a
pansypacifist, I want to be one too. We don’t allow what seems rational to define what it means to follow our rabbi; we follow because he is who we want to be. Such an approach to life actually requires more courage, not less, because we are refusing to play by worldly rules.
Greg’s Response to Driscoll’s “Is God a Pacifist?” Part II
Greg’s Response to Driscoll’s “Is God a Pacifist” Part III
At every turn, John transforms violent images into images of anti-violence. As a second example, consider the scene of the final (and bloodiest) battle in this book (Rev. 19:11-12). We find the Messiah “dressed in a robe, dipped in blood” (Rev. 19:13). This is a classic warrior image of a valiant warrior who comes riding home from battle soaked in the blood of all those he’s slain (e.g Isa 63:1-3). The interesting thing is that Jesus is soaked in blood as he rides into battle! What kind of warrior is soaked in blood before he fights? The kind of warrior who fights in a slain-lamb-way! John is revealing that the Lamb defeats foes not by shedding his enemies blood, but by shedding his own blood on behalf of his enemies. – See more at:
- They read their Bible daily.
- They have a fixed prayer time.
- They have the support and encouragement of their spouses.
- They hold their families to a higher priority than church members.
- They are personally evangelistic.
- They avoid petty arguments.
- They have learned to deal with criticisms.
- They have a long-term perspective.
- They spend adequate time in sermon preparation.
- They are involved in their communities.
8 Commitments for Small Group Leaders
- I will make my daily, living connection with Jesus Christ a priority—being in community with Him is the foundation for all community.
- I will lead an exemplary Christian lifestyle—group members watching me will see an obedient servant of Jesus Christ growing in maturity.
- I will convene my group regularly (2 to 4 times a month).
- I will provide personalized care and development for each of my members.
- I will assist in the identification and development of potential Life Group Leaders within my group.
- I will maintain great communication with the Community Life team.
- I will gather with the other Life Group Leaders in my coaching huddle for training and encouragement.
- I will attend scheduled gatherings for training and encouragement
Hiding in Arrogance…A sobering word to captains of sinking ships
In fact, in my observation, one huge reason the ship goes under is because the captain wouldn’t admit to the sinking ship or didn’t know how to stop it, but never asked for help guiding the process. It takes humility to confess the boat is soon subject to evacuation. No leader wants to be that captain.
Overwhelming UN vote against US embargo of Cuba
A record-equalling 188 countries on Tuesday condemned the five-decade-old US embargo against communist Cuba in an annual UN General Assembly vote that signalled hardening opposition to US sanctions.
Only Israel joined the United States in opposing resolution, the smallest number ever.
North Carolina church plans Halloween Bible burning
Pastor Grizzard and 14 other members of the church plan to burn copies of the other “perversions” of Scripture on Halloween, 31 October.
The New Revised Version Bible, the American Standard Version Bible, and even the New King James Version are all pronounced to be works of the Devil by Pastor Grizzard and his followers.
U.N. diplomats talking too much? Turn off microphone, says Britain
Britain’s U.N. Ambassador Mark Lyall Grant suggested a new tactic on Tuesday to stop diplomats at the United Nations from speaking for too long – turn off their microphone.
During a recent visit with the U.N. Security Council to the African Union Peace and Security Council in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, Lyall Grant was impressed by its procedures.
“I, for one, would support implementing here the African Union Peace and Security Council practice of cutting off speakers who have exceeded their allotted time by turning off their microphones,” Lyall Grant told the Security Council.